Chapter 12

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'Creeak creeak' sang the crickets as the sun sunk down into the far land. The night was creeping in on us faster than we both thought.

"Casey, how much longer will we need to walk? Marley is getting exceptionally cranky." i said nervously.

"About 30 minutes left walking this pace and we'll be at camp for 10:00."

"Ok..... But what about those 'creatures if the night'? What are they?"

"Just the deformations in adult form ready to attack anyone at any time." he said with full confidence in his voice. I didn't want to say anything knowing that every question i seem to ask, leads to something deadlier and deadlier.

"So, at the school what were they? Were those the deformed, or were they just more were's looking for food?"

"It was a mix of both, the ones that lingered in the school were deformed and the ones that went back to camp were just hybrids."

"Alright...... So how deadly are they exactly-

"Aaron, stop asking questions and we'll get there faster."

"Sorry, im just....... nervous."

"I know, me too."

• • •

"Whaaaaaaa!!" Marley cried out hungrier than ever.

"Ok i see the camp in sight, its just through the trees down there." Said Casey starting to run.

"Yea i see it!" i said following him in quick pace. I dodged past stumps and pushed back branches until i reached the big gate once again.

"Here goes nothing." I watched him click a button and the gate pushed itself forward. I felt him grab onto my hand when we saw the terrifying sight of the small village.

"What happened?" i said horrified.

"They happened."

I watched the small hut we had stayed in the few nights before burn down in front of me, along with the rest of the town. The smoldering ashes flew around as the deformed raced around looking for any extra flesh to chew on.

"Casey, we have to find blood for Marley now though." i said wanting to just charge in the flames myself.

"Give me a few minutes and ill be back with all the packets i can find, stay in the sacred tree for now until i get back."

I turned and faced the giant tree he had pointed at. How did he expect me to climb that. Without any further questions, i ran up to the trunk and tied Marley back to my chest. I reached for branches upon branches while slowly making my way up the tree.

By the time i got to the center, i found a cozy branch to sit upon while i waited for Casey's return. I watched the destruction like a movie in front of me, the deformed scavenged each and every piece of smolders with their ugly claws in hopes to find something edible.

"Pssst, Aaron." i heard a whisper behind me. I turned and faced Isabelle huddled in a near tree next to me.

"OH MY GOD ISSY! Where is everyone else, what happened here?"

"Shhh, stay quiet, i'll tell you when we get out of here." she said.

I cradled Marley close to me as i nudged onto another branch closer to Isabelle.

"Aaron?!" said Isabelle shocked.


"Did you have your child already?"

"Yea? whats wrong with that?"

"I dont know what happened to mine, some girls waltzed in my hut and the next thing i know i wake up with a flat stomach again."

"Ha, thats usually a woman's dream don't you think?"

"Yea, but I'd like to know where they took my boy." She said looking way down at the ground.

"How do you know its a boy?"

She hesitated while oddly looking for a response.

"Mothers instinct." she replied.

'Coo coo' i heard a loon call from down below.

"Aaron, come on time to go." i heard casey yell whisper from the ground. I grabbed Isabelle's arm and dragged her down the tree with me.

"Isabelle? how did you get here?" said casey curiously.

"Oh you know, i herd of elephants came and crashed my birthday party, Casey how do you think i got here?"

"You're funny." he said sarcastically.

"I know." she replied.

"Alright you two, we really have to get out of here, like RIGHT NOW!" I half yelled to them while making sure the deformed didn't hear.

"Ok ok, lets go." said casey trailing back down another path.

"Wait casey! before we go can i have the blood please?" i stuck my hand out for him to lay the packet in.

"Fine!" he said while handing me a sippy bottle filled with the glorious juice.

"Thank you sweety!"

"Yea yea, lets go."

I gently stuck the bottle into Marley's mouth and followed Casey down another trail. The sound of the fire behind us slowly began to fade as we got farther and farther away from the small village.

By the time the moon was in mid sky and the stars around it twinkled more marvelous than ever, we found a soft lush meadow to rest in.

"Casey we have to stop here, everyone's tired, and im still trying to get over the fact that-

"I know Aaron, its alright we can stay here for a bit."

"A bit, Casey we need to sleep." said Isabelle.

"Why do you care Isabelle, why did you even come with us?" Said casey with eyes turning bright and silvery.

"CASEY! stop, whats wrong with you two?! you're always at each others throats and im getting sick of it, you barely know each other!

"Aaron there's something i need to tell you." Casey's eyes slowly faded back to their ocean blue.

"And what might that be?" i said still holding Marley close.


I looked over at Isabelle and her face went blank. "Casey, you don't have to do this." She said almost nervous,

"Isabelle, she's..... she's my sister."

I didn't reply, what could i have said anyway that could finish this conversation. How is this possible, how could he have moved when Isabelle was already here, i saw her mom before. How long has this company been on this earth? or is it even on earth....... All of the thoughts came rushing through me at once, there were no words to describe what i felt at that moment, and all i could say was

"How long were you planning on keeping this from me Isabelle?"

"I..... i don't know."

"Who are you?" i said a tad but furious.

She let out a soft sigh. "My name is Terra Isabelle, and im here to obliterate every last power upon this earth."


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