Chapter 14: Go Away

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"Get away from me. " I growled as my mom gripped my cart. Never in a million years had I thought I'd see her again. I know what you're thinking, wow she's so mean to her mom! would you be all lovey dovey if your mom left you in America with your friend and then went to Europe, with no explication? I thought so.

"Skyler, calm down. You're burning the cart. " She smiled and looked down at my hands. They where wrapped so tightly around the cart that the handle was beginning to smoke. I slowly released the melting plastic.

"Get out of my way. " I spat. yanking the cart out of her hands, I spun around and walked away. I felt tears begun to spring in my eyes. I wonder if she even knew that Zayn killed dad?

"Skyler Percy Olivia, don't you dare walk way from your mother. " My mother yelled down the aisle. I turned around and looked around us. People's eyes where watching us fight.

My mom stalked toward me and grabbed my wrist.

"I know you're mad at me. But your father told you what we where doing in Europe. " My mom whispered, starring at me intently.

"He did. And then he fricking died for me. " Tears began to fall as my mom released me and backed away.

"I know he's dead. thats why I'm here. I want you to live a normal life again. " my mom said sincerely.

"Live a normal life? a normal life?" I laughed meanly in her face. "Were where you when i was a vampire? Or some freakish werewolf? Hmmm mom or now I'm some weird witch lady!" I whispered the last few parts.

"I'm truly, sorry baby girl. " My mom said her face saddening. "Just give me a chance and come live with me. You can go back to school. " She pleaded me.

"Never. " I said succinctly.

"Here's my phone number just umm ... call it if you change your mind. " She said handing me a little piece of blue paper. With that she stuffed her hands in her pockets and sulked away.

I grabbed on to the cart and walked the opposite way.

I angrily shoved bags of chips and cans of chicken noodles into the cart.

"Who does this lady think she is!" I grumbled to my self.

"I don't know. " I deep voice chuckled.

I looked up and the man from the parking lot was starring at me through black eyes that where almost hidden by his curly blonde hair. Wait black eyes? He's a vampire.

"I'm Blane. "He smiled sticking his hand. I reached out to shake it but dropped the can of chicken noodles. "I got. " He said kindly reaching down and cleaning it up.

"Thanks. "I said awkwardly.

"Sorry about the whole parking lot thing. " Blane smiled rubbing the back of his neck

"Oh that was you. " I sneered acting like I didn't realize it before.

"Ya. How about I take you out to dinner tonight to makeup for being a jerk?" Blane asked.

"I umm I can't. " I said remembering I had boyfriend. I turned to go but Blane's arm shot out at vampire speed and whipped me around.

"Come on. "He begged flashing me a smile.

Suddenly my arm began to get very cold and ice spread up Blane's arm.

"Holy shit!" Blane screeched trying to jump away from me.

I just laughed and heated up my arm so flames licked the ice and melted it.

I shot my arm out towards the ground and the floor encased Blane's feet.

"Don't touch me. " I laughed at his shocked face.

"W-w-what are you?" He stuttered.

"You're not the only one with the cool powers, Mr. Vampire. " I laughed flicking my wrist putting the floor back into place. Blame stumbled backwards and starred at me in surprise.

"You're a witch!" Blane said. "But you have the symbol of that gang. Zayns gang?" He said.

I looked down at my wrist and it was still there from many nights ago when it all started.

"So what I'm a witch and a vampire and kinda sort possible maybe a werewolf too?" I sneered.

"My lord or shall I say the pure one." Blane said bowing infront of me.


I tapped my fingers on the worn wooden counter that I sat behind waiting for someone to come in. Jazz music played in the background as a few costumers sat in the couches and sipped coffee.

My eyes snapped up to the door as someone walked in. Instantly a growl erupted from my throat.

"Hi, Harry. " Niall said. He played with the gift cards on the counter that no one ever got.

"Niall. " I said coldly. " Are you here to order something?"

"No. I'm here to talk to you. " Niall said directing his attention toward me.

"About?" I said looking away from his creepy black eyes.

"Being friends. " Niall said. I almost fell off the stool I we as so surprised by the words that came out of his mouth. "I want to come to school here. "

"W-w-hy?" I stuttered.

"Well Zayns dead, so I'm a free vampire now and I don't have anyone else except Skyler. " Niall said sheepishly.

"No!" I practically yelled. Only one thought had popped into my mind 'Skyler was mine and mine only. '

"But Harry I've helped Skyler through all of this. We've helped skyler!"Niall pleaded to me. I watched as his pale skin began to tune even paler. He was scared.

"I said no. "I repeated myself despite how bad I felt. "Don't you have parents or something?" I asked him.

Niall looked away and I thought I saw tears in his eyes but he quickly wiped them away. "I umm don't have any. " He whispered.

"Sure. " I said. Nialls eyes lit up and he leaned across the counter giving me a hug.

"None of this hugging stuff though. " I said pushing him off of me.

"I have another favor to ask of you. " Niall said not meeting my eyes. "I need a place to stay. " the words rushed out so quickly I could barely understand them.

"No. " I said and tuned around.

"But, Harry! I need some where to stay." Niall begged. "Skyler, wouldn't be to happy about you kicking me out on the streets. " I could almost here the smile in his voice.

"Whatever, you can stay with us. But" I leaned across the table and grabbed Niall by the collar of his shirt, "I swear to god, if you lay a finger on Skyler I will kill you. "

"Yes sir. "Niall said sending me a salute.


"Get up. "I hissed at the man kneeling in front of me.

"But queen you are the chosen one! " Blane protested but stood up.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"If I remember correctly, the prophecy says 'The great evil shall be over come by the one with all the powers. The girl with ice,wind stone and fire. The one who is deemed dead is really walking amongst us." Blane recited.

I was the most powerful person on earth. I thought.

"You are the most powerful. Only one person can defeat you. Zayn River. "

"OMG that means he's still alive!" I practically yelled.

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