Chapter 7: I Want It Back

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I woke up to find that the rain was still pounding down on the world. I trudged out of bed and searched around my room for some clothes. Pulling open some draws I found a Hollister cream colored sweater with little sparkles at the bottom and matched the sweater with some black leggings and brown Uggs.

Shuffling down the long hallway I let my nimble fingers trail along the white walls.

On the way I peeked into a few of the rooms. They each had a letter on the door.

I stuck my head into the one that had a J. He wa'snt there. I tiptoed down the hall to another room with an S on it. Poking my head in I saw Selen's petite frame curled up in her big bed. I decided it would be rude to wake her up so I slowly shuffled down the hall to two doors across the hall from each other. One read A and the other T.

I pushed open Ashleys door very slowly triggering a loud creak. I looked over at her bed, the purple comforters made up nicely as if no one had ever slept there.

I stepped away from the clean room and turned around pushing open Tylers door. His hot muscular body was spread out on his gray bed. He snored louder than a jet plane, jeeze!

I giggled to my self has a hopped down the stairs. I could still hear Tyler's snorring!

As I rounded the corner to head into the  kitchen i ran into a toned body. Making him dropped all of his papers.

"Sorry!" I apologized. I slumped to the floor as i picked up his papers. Suddenly two strong arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me toward them. "Justin " I said coldly as he spun me around to face him.

"Skyler. I'm sorry." he said sincerly as his gorgeous face softened. I gently pushed his tense arms off my fragile body.

"It's fine." I said quietly to the ground. Why do I always do this? I forgive way to easily. I turned around to walk into the nice kitchen.

"It's not fine, Skyler." Justin said, his hand clasping around my wrist. He looked into my blue eyes with his sharp red ones making me melt on the spot. "I'm going to make it up to I promise." He finished , hugging me.

"Ok, Justin." I said not buying any of that bullshit he said.

"Sky will you come help me find Ashley?  He said changing the subject.

Oh god. I slowly nodded my head. This should be good! I thought, rolling my eyes as Justin dragged me out into the rain.


I woke up to the rain slamming its self against my roof like a caged animal. I turned my head as I heard a quiet groan come from the other side of my bed. There lieing next to me was a naked Ashley.

"Fuck. What Have I done!" I groaned as I closed my eyes.

I quickly jumped out of the bed and scrammbled aound my giant room looking for clothes to wear. I found a pair of jeans and a red and blue flannel shirt.

How do I get her out of here? Why did I do that with her? Questions raced through my head as i walked down my twisting stairs and into my stainless steal kitchen.

TReaching into my cabinet I pulled out some ingredients to make french toast for me and Ashley.

I'll bring it up to her, in bed, I thought. The idea warmed my heart. I did that for Skyler once. Skyler. Where are you Skyler, I thought, tears coming to my eyes.


'Where the fuck is she?" Zayn ragged as he ran around  Skylers vacant room, throwing the exspenisve furniture everywhere.

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