Chapter 15: Coming For You

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"Follow me to my house. We have to tell my boyfriend Harry!" I said pushing my cart out the automatic doors.

Blane followed closely behind me.

"My lady, the prophecy might not be talking about the Zayn. " Blane said trying to make me feel better.

"Blane, you don't have to call me any titles. Just Skyler. " I said.

"Yes my- err I mean Skyler. " Blame said as he got in his car.

I walked to mine and used vampire speed to put all the groceries away. That's one thing I was a little upset about. My dad's serum didn't work. I was still a blood sucker and he lied about them not being allowed to go to Alaska. Me and Harry found this out in a matter of time. I don't need to drink that much blood though only once a month. I have to eat a lot of meat to keep my werewolf side happy. And I don't have to do anything for the witch side.

"You going?" Blane said snapping me out of my little rant.

"Oh ya, ya. " I said waving my hand and getting in the car.

We drove for a while until we pulled up to Harry's mansion.

Blane got out of his car and slammed his door and let out a low whistle.

"Sweet house. " He said in awe, while helping me carry the groceries in.

"I know. " I said smiling.

We walked up to the door and Blane opened the door for me. As soon as I entered someone's strong arms wrapped around my waist making me drop the groceries.

"Harry," I giggled. " We have company. " I said motioning to Blane standing behind me awkwardly.

"Werewolf. " Blane muttered smelling the air.

"Vampire. " Harry growled setting me down next to him.

"This is Blane. Blane this is my boyfriend Harry. " I pulled Harry closet hold onto his arm. "You guys have to get along. "I whined.

"For you,my lady. " Blane said bowing.

"What's he talking about?" Harry asked confused.

"Well, there's this prophecy and in it I'm the most powerful one in the world but there is only one person who can beat me the who is deemed dead but is still alive." I rushed out

"Zayn. . ." Harry muttered running his hands through his curly brown hair.

"That's what i thought too. " i groaned.

"Wait, I have a surprise for you!" Harry said suddenly.

He tugged on my hand and pulled me into his huge living room.

"Hey, Skyler. " Niall said standing up from the couch.

"Niall!" I screamed. I ran for him and wrapped my arms around him. He hugged me back.

"Why are you here?" I said pulling back.

"Well, now that Zayn is dead I need a place to stay. " Niall said.

"You're staying here!" I asked happily.

He nodded his head. His sparkling blue eyes where so

Memorizing and the night we kissed instantly flooded my mind. I pulled away awkwardly.

"What's this about you being the most powerful?" Niall said trying to hide the hurt on his face of me rejecting him.

"Blane here" i motioned to him" was trying to get a snack when he started blabbing on about a prophecy and how Zayn might still be out there. "

Nialls eyes lit up and then went to fear.

"This can not be happening. " Niall muttered to himself. "We watched him die. " Niall stomped his foot angrily.

"We know. " Harry said irritated.

"So what I'm gonna die?" I asked realizing what was happening.

"No. " Harry practically yelled. He pulled me up off the couch into a hug.

I suddenly felt sick from all this death. I can't die no. I don't are how selfish that sounds but I'm in love. I just settled down and everything has gotten normal.

"I'm gonna go head up to bed. " I said stumbling away a little.

"Goodnight sweety. " Harry said as the others waved to me. I trudged up the stairs to my room and flopped down. The voices downstairs talked for a while before Blane said goodbye.

I could feel my eyelids threatening to close. Suddenly two strong hands clasped around my neck and tightened.

"Skyler, I'm coming back for you. " Zayns cold stare was on me. His beautiful features highlighted by the moonlight.

"How?" I tried to get out as the air left my body.

"When your little boyfriend "killed me" he probably should've checked to make sure I was totally dead. " Zayn chuckled. I started to see dots. Zayn leaned down and pecked me on the forehead just as I passed out, darkness washed over me.

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