Chapter 12: I Love You

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"Going 100 mph on the highway probably wasn't the best idea ever." Justin yelled at me as the sirns blared behind us.

"Well, I'm sorry ass hole. Maybe if you should have saved Skyler a while back and none of this would be happening." I yelled back.

Tyler popped his head up from the back of the car. "Guys! Stop. Skyler's not going to come back any faster if we fight ok?!"

Liam shoved Tyler aside sending him flying into the door. "Harry, take a turn towards my house."

Everybody turned and looked at Liam like he had two heads. We where in the middle of a highspeed chase and Liam wants to go home.

"Liam what the hell?" I asked slowing the car down a little.

"Just do what I say ok! Drive!" Liam replied making me jam my foot into the floor.

"Liam... they're still behind us." Justin said worriedly.

"Stop the car." Liam said eerily.

I pulled the car over and the cops came up behind us.

"Tyler I'm going to need your help." Liam said motioning for him to get out of the car. They both got out and slammed the doors. The two cop cars sitting behind us did the same. The four walked up to eachother and began to speak. The speaking turned into to yelling and the yelling turned into fighting and finally that turned into to killing. Liam snapped the neck of one and Tyler ripped the heart out of the other.

They ran back to the car and jumped in, reeking of blood.

"Well, that didn't turn out as excepted." Liam said laughing."Drive before they send more."

A few minutes later we were standing in Liams back yard looking at an airplane hanger.

"Follow me boys" Liam laughed.

When we walked inside there infront of us was a tiny airplane about half the size of the one that picked Skyler up.

Liam opened the cockpit door and jumped in. I followed him but opened the passenger door and sat in one of the four seats that sat in the cabin. Tyler and Justin nervously got in.

"Ladies and gentlemen this is your captain, Liam, speaking. Please buckle your seats because your in for a bumpy ride! Next stop White Mountain, Alaska." Liam said as we took off.

"Oh shit." I said praying to god that we would make it there alive.


"Skyler!" A cheery voice rang out waking me up.

The memories from the past few days came rushing back to me, springing tears in my eyes.

I pushed them away determined to start a new.

I rolled over and a beautiful tan girl with staright black hair the same length as mine was in my face.

"You have school silly." Inali giggled pushing me out of my bed.

I landed on the ground with thump and slowly rose, throwing Inali a mean glare. She just laughed and skipped away.

I turned and looked into the mirror and was met with a pretty face and long blonde hair. I need to look.... different I decided.

I walked down the hall searching for the bathroom. When I walked in I began to rummage through the draws searching for a pair of scissors.

"Finally!" I mumbled pulling them up the my hair. With one clean cut I chopped off about half of the hair that went down past my butt. I continued to chop off more till my staright blonde hair only fell an inch past my shoulders. Next I cut myself some side bangs that personally I thought looked very good.

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