Moaning Myrtle

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Maria choked on her pumpkin juice. Everyone froze around her and watched her and Davies. That was probably the last thing she expected. ‘Did Roger Davies, Quidditch Captain, just ask me out?’ She wasn’t blind; of course he was good looking, with his scruffy dark hair and dark chocolate-brown eyes. But she also knew that he had quite a reputation around girls. He had asked none other than Fleur Delacour out to the Yule Ball, and she had said yes! He had even asked Cho Chang out. He had had a few other girlfriends, but none of them had lasted more than a few weeks, months at the very most. Maria didn’t know what to say. It was quite flattering to be asked out by such an older, popular and – she admitted it quite shamelessly – very handsome guy. She liked Davies, but only as a friend? Perhaps not, perhaps so. Oh well. 

"Sure, I’ll go." 

Why she had accepted, she had no clue. She spend the rest of the evening trying to convince herself that he was just being friendly and that it didn’t mean anything. However, Cho didn’t seem to think so. Every two seconds, she would remind Maria how lucky she was and that many girls would do just about anything to be in her shoes. Cho was obviously happy for her, which was very touching and kind, but did she even pause for a second to wonder whether this was really what her friend wanted? Or was this what she wanted? Maria knew that Cho was secretly dying for someone to ask her out so she could forget Cedric Diggory. She knew it was a bad idea for her to date Harry from the beginning, because he was the only one who was there when he died and Cho would never forget that connexion. 

Soon, the reality of it all seemed to catch up with her. She had never gone on a real date before and she had never truly had a boyfriend. In other words, she was a total rookie. She did 'date' this muggle guy over the summer, but it didn't really 'officially' count, so in other words, her experience was nonexistent. She thought about backing out, but that was unlike her. She told him she would go, and so she would. Her determination always got the best of her. Maybe Cho was right after all, she should take advantage of the situation and have fun. 

She decided to go to the prefect’s bathroom, since she didn’t really fancy an awkward moment in the common room with Davies – or rather Roger. Besides, she really did need a good bath. She entered the room and saw that the huge bathtub was still full of bubbles. Someone had obviously just left. She was taking her shoes off when she saw Moaning Myrtle peek through one of the toilet cabinets. 

"Hi Myrtle. Do you know who was here before?" 

"And why would you want to know that?" the ghost replied in her high-pitched voice. 

"It’s just, I think I know who was here and it would help me if I knew for sure." 

It felt like she was speaking to a five year old.

"It was Draco, Draco Malfoy," Myrtle purred. Somehow, Maria found it highly annoying.

"That’s what I thought… How long has he been here?" 

"Part of the afternoon. He comes here a lot these days. It’s nice to have company. I know what it’s like not being understood." 

"Believe me, everyone does. But why is he coming here so much?" 

"Oh I don’t know! Maybe he just likes talking to someone, or rather something!" 

Her voice was getting higher and higher. Maria knew she was incredibly short-tempered, and wondered why anyone would come here a lot, knowing Myrtle practically lived here. 

"I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it the way it sounded. I’m only trying to help Malfoy." 

"Ha! You can’t help him! No one can!" 

"What do you mean?" 

"He’s been given something to do." 

"Which is..?" Maria asked, feeling she was closer than ever to uncovering the truth. 

"He made me promise not to tell anyone, or else…" 

"Or else what, Myrtle?" 

"Or else he’s dead… and he can share my bathroom." 

Moaning Myrtle disappeared through the wall, leaving Maria alone in the huge room. She was having trouble digesting what she had just heard. ‘Is Malfoy that ill because he fears his own death?’ That was definitely something that could make anybody go mad. ‘But what’s his mission? I’ll bet anything it has to do with the Dark Lord… But why would he confide in Moaning Myrtle?’ However, the choice seemed clear. As a ghost, she would surely be less tempted to tell anyone and much less do something to either stop him or help him. This also proved one more thing; he was opening up about it, which meant she had the green light to approach him. 

She felt weird, trying to get close to a guy while another one asked her out. At least, in one case, it wasn’t serious… meaning Davies’. Still, she couldn’t help but wishing it hadn’t come up at the same time. How was everybody going to react when they found out she was befriending Malfoy? Well... at least trying. ‘The hell with it, she thought, if they don’t understand. Why should I care? Luna wouldn’t. Besides, it’s for a good cause.’ To these last thoughts, she left the prefect’s bathroom, so caught up in the moment that she forgot why she had gone there in the first place. She took a deep breath outside the common room, and as soon as the door opened, she sneaked through the people towards her dormitory, trying her best not to be noticed. 

She entered the room and shut the door behind her. It was empty; the girls were, luckily, still downstairs. She quickly washed, tied her long hair into a loose ponytail and slid into her four-poster bed. She didn’t care that it was still early, she just wanted to sleep and not have to think about anything.

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