Badly Cursed

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Maria had to wake up early the next morning since Davies had scheduled a Quidditch practice. She ate and met the other team members in the dressing room. Davies welcomed her warmly with a hug, but she wasn’t feeling up to it; she was far too preoccupied with Malfoy and whatever he could be going through. Their practice was productive and everybody was left satisfied. The captain called it off right before lunch time and, as usual, everybody hurried off to the Great Hall to fill their empty growling stomachs. Maria took her time in the shower, her thoughts elsewhere, and she was the last to leave the pitch. She was on her way to lunch when she heard voices coming out of a nearby classroom. She silently approached it and had no trouble recognizing the voices; they belonged to Malfoy and Professor Snape. She leaned closer to the door, resting her ear on it, and was able to clearly hear what they were saying. 

"Why didn’t you tell me this before!" 

Malfoy sounded like he was on the verge of hysteria. 

"I am only here to help you, Draco. Not explain," Snape retorted placidly. 

"Telling Dumbledore surely doesn’t help me!" 

He still had the same frantic tone. 

"It matters not the fact that he knows. As long as he doesn’t know when or how…" 

"Of course it matters! He’ll be suspecting something!" 

"That’s why I’m offering my help." 

"I don’t need your help," Malfoy spat venomously. 

"I think we both know you will never do it. Pride has its limits, Malfoy." 

"Watch me!" 

Maria heard footsteps growing louder and louder; she had moved just in time to avoid crashing into the door Malfoy had just thrown open, storming out of the classroom. She held her breath as he stomped away and he didn’t notice her. He simply continued straight ahead without looking back, seemingly furious. She left the scene before Snape came out: she didn’t fancy running into him, especially after what she had just heard. She stopped halfway along a corridor to think. Dumbledore was definitely involved. In fact, it sounded to her as if he was one of the main players. ‘As long as he doesn’t know when or how…’ she recalled. Malfoy was doing something behind the headmaster’s back. Something Malfoy wanted to go unnoticed. ‘What it Merlin’s name could that be?’ She had to tell Hermione. She ran the rest of the way to the Great Hall and found her sitting at the Gryffindor table. She rushed to the bushy haired girl and tapped her on the shoulder. 

"I have to tell you something." 

The urge in Maria’s voice spoke for itself. Hermione, looking slightly startled, walked away with her and listened carefully to what she had to say. Maria told her what she had overheard, trying hard to remember every single word. She also described Malfoy’s reaction the previous night when she had told him about Dumbledore. Hermione didn’t know what to think. 

"I’m afraid I have no clue what this means… Every day, it keeps getting more and more serious and threatening. We have to do something, soon." 

"I’m trying! But Malfoy meant what he said! He doesn’t want any help! Whenever I mention the subject, he goes all cold and unresponsive on me!" 

‘Bloody shield.’ The girls didn’t know what to do anymore. This whole thing was getting to be a bit overwhelming. They had used up all of their tricks. Well, with the exception of one. 

"I think we should use the Veritaserum. It’ll be ready in two weeks," Hermione suggested desperately. 

Maria looked at her, unsure. She didn’t like the idea of it, but it truly felt like their last hope. 

"Alright. I’ll plan something." 

"I’ll meet you Friday in the prefects’ bathroom at ten o’clock." 

"I’ll be there," Maria promised. 

Hermione left and Maria stood there alone, taking in their plan. In two weeks, she was finally going to discover the truth; going to know everything. However, it felt incredibly wrong to her. She couldn’t believe she was actually going to do it. She liked Malfoy – the real Malfoy; not the one controlled by the Dark Lord, but the one that teased her and enjoyed talking to her. She sadly wondered whether she would ever see that side of him again. 

The next two weeks proved to be nerve wracking for Maria. All these mixed emotions kept surfacing, and for the first time of her life, she was behind in homework. She was running over every possible scenario in her head to be prepared for anything that might happen. Of course, she knew what she had to do; the question she now had to ask herself was whether she was going to. She had that horrible sensation you get when you cheat, because to her, that’s what it was: cheating. 


Malfoy was often paying visits to Moaning Myrtle. He had never felt so upside down in his entire life. He was in such a mess, even he had trouble figuring out where he was at. On top of things, Maria was etching away from him. After everything they had shared, he was just supposed to let her go? Theoretically, that would be the right thing to do, since now wasn’t exactly a good time - especially when things were more complicated and dangerous than ever. But the thing was, he didn’t want to let go. As much as he hated it, he couldn’t let go. It was as if he had been cursed. Beyond all reason and common sense, all he wanted was to be with her and make her... happy. The problem was he had to do so without dying… 

He was sick of everyone getting in his head, telling him what to think and do. He was sick of always being left without a choice; he wanted to listen to his own self for once. A long time ago, he had anxiously joined this never ending ride and now, he just wanted to jump off. But he couldn’t stop; he was going to have to give it all he had if he wanted to be awarded a second chance at life. He was slowly losing everything because of Voldemort; he had lost his family and his freedom to him, and now he was losing Maria and whatever sanitify he had left. He could always sacrifice himself; give himself away for the sake of others. But how much good would that bring? Not much, although, it was quite tempting at times… Yet Draco Malfoy was not weak; after all he had been through, he ought to have gained some endurance. No, Draco Malfoy was a fighter. A cursed fighter.

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