Half-Blooded Prince

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Davies saw her looking at Malfoy and very politely told him: 

"Piss off you scum." 

Malfoy looked positively disgusted.


"That’s right, you heard me," Davies said a bit to the both of them. 

Without a word, Malfoy left, walking down the street street in long hasty strides, muttering angrily under his breath, fists in his pockets. Roger looked quite proud of himself. 

"That was not very nice, Davies." 

"Com’on it’s Malfoy! Besides, I want some time alone." 

He got a bit closer, laying a hand on her hip; too close for Maria’s taste. Keeping her calm, she said: 

"Let’s go someplace else." 

Apparently, Davies mistook her, and they headed back to the castle. But she didn’t care; at least they were at a safer distance now. They spend the rest of the afternoon walking along the Black Lake, throwing rocks in it and sitting under the trees. They weren’t laughing as much; they both felt a bit uncomfortable and decided to call it a day at six o’clock. They parted in front of the huge doors where they had met and said their goodbyes - Maria's were, quite frankly, tactless. She headed for her dormitory whilst Davies went straight to the Great Hall for supper. ‘Great.’ she thought. She didn’t know what he would have done sitting beside her and didn’t fancy discovering it in front of everyone else. 


He paced rapidly along the path to the castle, balling his fists convulsively in his pockets. His usually smooth hair was sweeping across his face as the icy wind blew through it, tousling it. Although, he couldn’t care less about his carefully cultivated image at the moment; he was too consumed by his rage. Back there, in front of the shop, it had been as if an earthquake had shaken the ground beneath him. An involuntary growl had left the back of his throat as his silver eyes had narrowed. And he had thought that she actually cared about him. He shook his head at the memory... before re-shaking it violently, commanding his senses. It didn’t matter, he reminded himself forcefully. She didn’t matter; besides, she already knew too much. Still, he was angry at himself. He was angry at his reaction, his feelings, because he couldn’t control them. And for the first time in his life, they frightened him.

His feet took him to the Room of Requirement, and upon entering, he kicked with all of his might the nearest pile of junk, sending most of its worthless content flying. Why was this happening to him?


While she was on her way to her common room, Maria passed in front of the the Room of Requirement and heard footsteps coming from inside. She stopped just in time to see Malfoy storming out of it. She was taken aback by his appearance; he looked rather different, un-groomed as he was. His hair was messy and his glare was venomous; she had a horrible sense of foreboding. Her emotions were already running high, she didn’t need Malfoy to make them worst. 

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