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She didn’t speak to Malfoy for the rest of the week. However, every time they saw each other, he flashed her a warning look, his face stern, his eyes dark, keeping true to his words. At first it startled her, but she grew accustomed to his rude coldness and simply shrugged it off.

She had told Hermione about everything, of course: every single little detail from her encounter with Moaning Myrtle to her argument with Malfoy. Maria explained to Hermione that the Slytherin was guarding this secret with all his will. She seriously doubted he would ever tell anyone, apart from Moaning Myrtle. Maria also started thinking that the Veritaserum wasn’t a good idea after all. She shared a new found respect for Malfoy, like she understood a bit better after his bried display of vulnerability, and simply didn’t deem it right to force something he didn’t want to tell out of him. It just didn’t feel like the appropriate thing to do. Whatever she did, she couldn’t get his expression out of her head: the way his eyes had turned a dull grey, the way he had held his head low, fleeing her gaze underneath his blond fringe.However, Hermione didn’t share that respect and was much less empathetic. She kept saying the potion was their only back-up plan and that if it was truly the Dark Lord that had given him this mission, it was going to be for everyone’s good. The girls argued for a long time, both of them naturally stubborn. They came to the conclusion that they would resort to it only if they had sufficient proof to believe this task was on the Dark Lord’s own accord and if Maria hadn’t managed to get close enough to him by then – which was plausibly certain. 

Her week had been so busy that Maria hadn’t taken the time to acknowledge her birthday, which had been Thursday, and only remembered her date with Davies the night before. She didn’t really have time to think about Hogsmeade anyway, since she really wanted to finish off her homework before going to bed, so that her weekend would be completely free. Six and a half hours later, she was the only one left in the common room. She looked at the clock and it read 1:15 am. She went straight to her bed not bothering to change her clothes or wash. She fell into a nice, dreamless sleep. 

‘Oh Merlin’s pants! I’m going to be late!’ were the thoughts that woke her up. It was currently 10:50 and Davies would be meeting her at the entrance in ten minutes. She threw on a pair of jeans and a sweater, brushed her teeth and took a look at her hair in the mirror before deciding it was presentable. She flung her coat on as well as her scarf, tied her boots and grabbed her hat before flying down the stairs, almost tripping on the last step. She ran all the way to the Entrance Hall, only pausing in the corridor right before to catch her breath and to recompose herself. Mastering all the grace she could gather (which wasn't much), she then walked towards the two huge doors and saw Davies' tall and handsome figure waiting for her. He smiled at her sight and she smiled back, involuntarily. She had not taken the time to think about her date and therefore mentally prepare for it. She would just have to go with spontaneity. However, she found it much harder being spontaneous with Davies than with... Malfoy. Her nerves were stretching; thank Merlin for her, Davies was kind enough to be the first to speak: 

"Hi. How are you?" 

‘Okay, that’s kind of lame, but still very nice and appreciated,’ she thought to herself as she placed her hair nervously. 

"I’m fine thanks, you?" 

"What do you mean, just fine!? I’m fantastic!" 

She laughed and he held out his hand to her. She considered it for a second before taking it, truly smiling this time. 

"So, where do you want to go?" 

"Oh I don’t know, you’re the man, you lead the way!" 

He looked at her sweetly and said: 

A Heavenly Betrayal (Draco Malfoy Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now