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"I gave you the weapons. Airport security shouldn't be able to find it if you go in Lane 6." Daniel handed me my last duffelbag.

I sighed. "Yes sir."

"Don't bullshit your way through this task, Calum. You get there, you finish your business in a matter of 8 weeks. This isn't a vacation."

I nodded. "Yes sir."

"And DON'T get attached. I made that mistake with Beth. Look where she is now. DON'T fall in love. Do you hear me?"

"Loud and clear, sir."

"Now go."

My heart felt a little heavy when he mentioned Beth. But thats a story thats better for me to keep to myself and Daniel.

I took my bookbag, slung it over my back, grabbed my rollie-suitcase, and headed out the small apartment, not promising myself I'd come back again.


Atlanta, Georgia. You would think its pretty exciting and live as how Drake explains it in his songs. It seemed average. I'm guessing its better at night.

11:18 AM. I waited on the bench for my ride. A black van pulled up in front of me with a familiar face in the drivers seat.

"Ashton?" I shouted.

I saw his huge grin. "Irwin Cab Services, how can I help you today?"

We both laughed as I hopped into the car with my stuff.

"Its been four years! Where the hell have you been?" I chuckled.

"Scoping out every corner of America for my brotherHOOD. Haha."

"Wow. You helped Daniel find this Adrian guy?"

"Yep." Ashton nodded.

"Ooo, this is my song!" I shouted like a little white girl, and turned up the radio when I heard the beat of Chocolate by The 1975.

"Such a hipster." Ashton shook his head and laughed.

"So where are we headed?" I shouted, bobbing my head to the beat.

"A little subdivision called Watercourt. You'll see..." Ashton trailed off, before rocking the fuck out at the beat of the song.

Eliannas POV

After the scene with the lost homework, Shay and Luke have hit it off for the rest of the day. They both were getting coffee afterschool and invited me, but I passed. I had too much stuff to do afterschool, with tutoring and science fair and all that.

But I was proud of Shay. She usually won't talk to anyone voluntarily but when it came to Luke, I could see her eyes light up and her smile grow wider. And same with Luke, I'd seen a major difference too. He was a hardcore math nerd, seemed to be hiding his life underneath a huge shell.

I'm so glad they found each other today.

As I practically jumped off the bus, I started my somewhat long journey down Riviera Street, where I lived. The sudden gust of cold wind bit my skin as I trotted down the long, unpaved road.

I fumbled through my bag for my keys when I noticed a black van cruising down the block behind me.


He never talked to me. I remember four years ago, when he moved here, I always saw him no matter where I went but we haven't spoken a word to each other. It was extremely awkward.

I noticed he had a friend in the car with him. His friend looked over at me and smiled, really bright.

He was pretty cute. But if he was friends with Ashton then he probably would keep his distance.

I opened the door to my house and noticed some things out of place. °Dad was probably here earlier,° I thought to myself. Why couldn't he wait until I came home?

I pushed that question out of my mind when I noticed my doorbell ring.

I swung it open only to find that guy that was in Ashtons van, looking quite confused and funny.

"Uh, hi," I tried to say, cheerfully.

He smiled really wide again.

"Hey, uh, my name is Calum. Uhm, could you help us with our car? It seemed to stall on us right infront of your neighbors house and they aren't home.." he trailed off, and pointed next door.

"Oh, I don't know much about cars-"

"Thats okay. All you need to do is play around in the drivers seat and try to start it."

I sighed in relief. "Then I'd be glad to help you."

He held out his hand so politely, and I was shocked at his gesture. I smirked and put my hand in his.

He pulled me along until we got to his van. As soon as Ashton saw me his eyes widened and he hid behind the open hood of the car, where he didn't have to see me. I sighed, being used to this.

"Ashton! Try to pull the thing out while we start the car." Calum shouted.

He gave me the keys and opened the door for me.

"Now you really have to put some force into starting this old thing up." He chuckled. "Its all in the wrist,"

I laughed and really tried to put my arm into it. The engine coughed and slowly shut off.

"Good try! Let me help you."

He put his muscular arm around me and put his hand over mine, controlling every move of my wrist and fingers. Like magic, the engine spat a few times and stayed running as Ashton pulled out what looked like a dead squirrel out of the hood of the car. I frowned while Calum and Ashton laughed hysterically.

I got out of the car and eyed the dead animal in disgust. Calum laughed even harder at my reaction.

"Oh God! What a day. I should get you home." Calum tried to recover.

Just then, Ashton tapped me on the shoulder. "Thanks for the help."

Ashton? Talked? To me? What?

I instantly smiled. "You're welcome. It was quite interesting."

We all chuckled.

"I better get going guys. Thanks for the laugh." I smiled.

"Let me walk you home!" Calum ran after my hand and grabbed hold of it.

I giggled. "I literally live 10 paces away."

"All the more reason why we can walk!" He joked.

And hand in hand, Calum and I walked alllllllllllll the way back to my front door.

"Such a long journey." I breathed heavily.

He laughed. "I know right. And by the way I never caught your name."

"Elianna." I whispered.

"Elianna." He mocked me in a very spectacular falsetto.

We chuckled.

"Goodbye, Calum." I rolled my eyes and grinned.

"Goodbye, Elianna." He paused. "I love the way your name sounds."

"Thank you." My face felt hot.

He skipped down my driveway and sang my name all the way to his car.

I liked that new boy Calum.

{ A/N : Soooooooooo? Feedback? C'mon, I need to know if it's shitty or not. But if it's not, maybe vote it or comment? I'm not gonna be one of those authors that wait for a certain amount of votes but just tell me how you guys feel about it.


- kiara }

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