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I heard commotion near the front door, in addition to Ashton's heavy footsteps hitting each stair, laptop in hand with his thin framed glasses on, concentrated deeply on the screen. As soon as he passed through the living room his head shot up in my direction.

"Elianna." he grinned. "You better than earlier?"

I nodded. "Way better."

"That's great. Do you want a piece of pizza?"

I nodded again.

"I'll get you one." Ashton picked up his laptop and glued his eyes to the screen again.



"And so the chick behind the counter was like, 'Shutup, asshole!' And I grabbed the box from the counter." Robbie chuckled.

I shook my head and laughed. "Because you are an ass, Rob."

"Not my fault she was cranky."

Ashton walked into the kitchen with a suspicious look and his laptop propped on his forearm. "Guys."

"What's up...?" Robbie said, confused.

Ashton waved his hand telling us to keep it down as he set the laptop down. "It's about Adrian. When I hacked his computer I copied documents of profiles and information on his crew. Today I reviewed everything on my laptop and... he might be sending Clifford off to find us."

My eyes widened. "I thought we killed Clifford?"

"We left him unconcious. He's had time to recover, according to the information on Adrian's software, and he won't stop until we're both dead."

Robbie took a bite of his slice. "You talking about that Michael kid? I know where he lives."

"Tell us so we can finally get rid of him," I demanded.

Ashton stopped me. "No, Calum. We kill the ones who we are assigned to kill. Michael is just a distraction. It's all part of Adrian's game. Besides, I don't know for sure if it's Michael that he's controlling this time."

I rolled my eyes. Ashton was right, but I didn't want to wait to get killed by Adrian's minion.

"Anyways, hand me a slice." Ashton reached over the table.

"I thought you didn't like pepperoni," Robbie said while chewing.

"It's for Elianna."

Robbie mouthed a silent 'oh' with his stuffed mouth. I peeked out of the kitchen to see her, still on the same spot on the couch I left her after our little song scene. Part of me wanted to grab her face and kiss her really hard but another part of me didn't want to kiss her at all because I thought she wouldn't like it; I'd rather make a move when she wasn't partially handicapped. But I definitely knew she had to have some type of feeling for me.

What was strange was, when I looked into her eyes, I paused for a second. One iris had a dull green hue, while the other was normal. I didn't say anything, because I thought it looked absolutely beautiful, like she did, all the time.

As I stared at her, Ashton blocked my view, handing her the slice and laughing and joking around.

I sighed.

"You are definitely in love with her."

I turned around to face Robbie and shut my eyes. "I am not. I just don't know if she's into me or not. She's just so confusing."

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