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"ELIANNA!" I shouted.

Everything seemed so surreal. Like everything slowed down to exccentuate every detail of what was going on.

She was lying on the bottom of the staircase, blood pouring out from her left side and staining her tight white shirt.

I heard a door slam shut. When Ashton and I made it to the bottom of the steps, he was gone.

"I'm going out there to catch him. You take care of her."

I looked up at Ashton. "Do what you have to do, mate. Good luck."

As I carried Eliannas pale, lifeless body up each stair I felt my heart race faster.

You've done this enough times to not panic,I told myself. But I was about to panic.

I set her down easy inside of the car and took out everything i needed to heal her. Going to the hospital was dangerous; we couldn't let anyone else know what was going on. As I tied the bandage as tight as I could around her waist I could see people peeking through the curtains calling 911, and I heard a school bus in the distance.

It was time to move out.

I slammed the side door of the van and ran to the other side to get in. I wasn't exactly sure how to drive on American roads but it would have to be done. Wherever Ashton was I'd prayed to God he was alright. If I lost him I'd lose half of my life.

I frantically steered the wheel which seemed to be out of place. A few times we almost crashed due to unclear directions regarding the left side of the road.

We ended up in a vast forest, trees everywhere. I got out, opened the side door and looked at her.

The bandage had stopped her from bleeding out as much as before. I checked her unhealthily cold neck for a pulse. It was extremely slow but she was still alive.

"Elianna, even if you can't hear me," I paused. I was hoping she couldn't, because I was about to pour my feels out.

"I have never met a girl as brave and beautiful as you. And even though all of this has happened over the course of only 4 days, I still think I love you. And if I could take you back to Austrailia without going through all this legal stuff I would be the happiest guy in the world. Caus—"

My phone vibrated. It was a call from Ashton.

"You're not dead! Thank God!"

"Should say the same for you. I need you to bring the van to that big ass forest off the corner of Brookhaven and Gallyway. Fast!"

He sounded like he was running away frantically.

"It looks like I'm already here... why?"

"That's where he's hiding. Calum, you have no time. Be ready to act fast. I should be there in another 5 minutes."

He hung up.

I couldn't breathe. What was I going to do with Elianna, I had to keep her safe...

I looked at her and her eyes were open but they were fixed on something behind me.

I turned around and saw Adrian in the distance, laughing.

He was slowly walking toward us.

"You Hoods. You think you can overthrow me from your pathetic little villiage," he spat on the ground and looked at Elianna as well as me. "Too bad I own every single one of you."

His eyes met mine. I swore they were red. I didn't say a word.

He continued, "And I'm sure my daughter is in need of some urgent medical care back there in your scrap-ass rape van."

"Only because of you and your shit parenting skills! You almost killed her for God's sake!" My voice raised in anger and regret. "And she isn't your daughter, remember? She's one of us." I snapped back, trying to hide the trembles in my voice. He was still a ways away from us so I had to yell over my fears.

"Legally, no, she's not my daughter. But if I could have her back, I—"

"You don't give a shit about her. You're just using her."

I pulled out the silver switchblade Daniel told me to keep with me at all times. As soon as I pulled it out, Adrian backed away.

"Let me get make this clear: Elianna will never want to stay with you again. Not only that, but also, she's a Hood. And we're always determined to get revenge."

He chuckled. "Chill out. Kill me if you want to but," he looked behind me and paused. I looked to, only to see Ashton inside the van, wiping away the tears pouring out of Elianna's glossy hazel eyes. I could tell she was suffering.

I turned back to face Adrian's devious visage for the last time and looked into his eyes.

"She's dying," I told him, "But she's not dying before you."

{ A/N : AYYYEEEE I'm almost finished yo bc this is a shitty ass fanfic and i decided to end it a little short so be ready for another 3-4 chapters and das it mane }

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