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"No one is safe from nature's savagery, not even the innocent. Only beauty is consistent."


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Chapter I // I am Elena

The Volturi, that is my family. We may not be related by blood, but I will fight for them with everything I've got. However, I could not help but notice my differences. I woke three months after being turned, my siblings woke up within two days. Alec realized his abilities the moment his eyes opened, Jane spent an hour. For me, the abilities never came to surface until a decade later. Aro knew I was different, no one had a reasonable explanation for it. He also knew that these differences were enough to keep me in secrecy. I am the Hidden Volturi. Aro kept me locked away in Volterra while my family traveled all over the world. I never came to surface until the Denali Coven caused trouble during the millenium of 1000 AD.

Sasha, the mother of the Denali Coven has committed treason. She transformed a child, a beautiful creature in fact. The Volturi kept a continuous eye on the infant, waiting for the right moment. News of the child throwing a tantrum reaches the Volturi immediately, faster than the flames the child causes. In the span of the Volturi travelling to the Denali Coven, the infant destroyed a majority of the village and set aflame almost every cottage. It sat in the centre of the mess, dead bodies pile higher than the burning homes. Dry blood stains the pale round cheeks of the baby. Its small chubby face reflects the flames off the dewy skin. Visalli, the vampire child, slowly turns his head as he hears the light padding of high heels. Elena stares at him, her head shaking in disappointment. Her slender hands wrap around his torso, picking up the child with ease. She turns to Jane, holding the infant with disgust. The younger blonde sways from side to side as a quiet lullaby escapes her lips.

A woman soon emerges from behind a burning house and sprints towards the family bearing black capes. The woman, Sasha, ran straight for Visalli. Alec and Demetri did not let her reach very far before taking a hold of the woman's forearms. Aro glances to Elena, signalling an unspoken plan. Alec and Demetri drags Sasha in front of the blonde woman and brought her down to the knees.

"Sasha," three female voices caught the attention of the Volturi.

The three women froze once Sasha came into view. Their adoptive mother only mere seconds from death. Elena stares at the Denali Coven through those dark brown lashes. Any sign of remorse or pity have left those crystal clear scleras.

"No... please don't hurt the baby," one of the sisters plea.

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