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"Doubt thou the stars are fire, doubt the sun doth move, doubt truth for a lie, but never doubt her love"

Chapter VII // Centuries Old Love

The days have been uneventful. The community is calm with little to none of criminal cases. The creatures living deep in the forest are simply completing their basic survival rituals, keeping to themselves with no issues. Elena Cullen is one of those creatures. Every few days she searches the vast woods for a meal that can possibly keep her in satisfaction for more than 48 hours. Her withdrawal from human blood is intense, nothing can keep her thirst down. Her coven hunts once a week, the blood of animals enough to keep them from insanity. However, she is on the very brink of it.  Nothing can compare to the warm viscous liquid, full of platelets and cells, running through her deprive throat. She screams and aches for her craving to fulfill once more.

She walks the city centre, in an attempt to be a part of society. It is the normality she craves. The sun had set an hour earlier, enabling her to walk freely without the intense effects of sunlight. She glances at a boutique's advertisement window and admire the beautiful white gown hugging the mannequin's figure perfectly. The gown's lace sleeves are the ones that catch her attention the most. The neckline is a sweetheart but lace covers the arms and shoulders. It hugs the upper body tight but flares into a ball gown right at the waist. The gown's white fabric enables Elena to view her reflection. Bright blue irises stare back at the beauty. Her contact lenses cover those unnatural golds seamlessly. Her eyes soon shift to the slow walking figure behind her.

A boy, no more than 17 with shaggy black hair, casually walks on the sidewalk with white headphones blasting music into his ear. Her eyes narrow. She could sense his arteries and veins, pushing the viscous liquid all throughout. His hands are resting comfortably in his jean pockets as he bops his head to the rhythm. Elena's hands clench. Four metres ahead of him is a dark space between two tall buildings, an inconspicuous alley.

Her once standing figure is now walking, the exact same direction as the young boy. The moment his body walks by the dark space, it immediately disappears. His back glues against the solid brick as a firm hand clasps his mouth shut. The blonde woman pins him, having her meal right beneath her fingertips. His scent is intoxicating, filling her nostrils. Adrenaline courses through her body as his eyes scan her in a frenzy. He wants to scream but the voice would not escape his throat. Fear is what he feels most but her beauty is enchanting. Breathtaking yet frightening. Her features sharp and intense, everything is perfectly symmetrical. Sweat drips down the size of his forehead as he realizes her brute strength. For such a small figure, her grip is immense.

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