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A black rose, her darkness was beautifully fatal

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A black rose, her darkness was beautifully fatal. The dark evil staining a pale white soul, making an art out of its own existence and painting a masterpiece. 

Chapter XI // For Better, For Worse

"Alice, Elena! Where do you want these?"

The two women in question stand on the porch of their beloved home, engaging in chatter. The smaller of the two holds a brown clipboard overflowing with sheets of paper. Both have their locks tied high to avoid any nuisances during that stressful time. Their discussion is cut short when Emmett, Jasper, and Carlisle emerge from the mass of trees. Each male carrying a large wooden tree trunk on one shoulder, the weight did not phase them.

"At the aisle!" The blonde woman replies with enough volume for the men to hear in the distance.

The two re-immerse in their previous discussion, flipping through sheets and sheets of paper. Their conversation is once again cut short.

"What aisle?"

With a sigh of annoyance Alice begins a marching stomp towards the males, "if you want something done, you have to do it yourself."

Elena smiles in amusement. They're so going to regret not knowing where the aisles are. She turns and enters the house through sliding glass doors. The home is immaculate, free of any dust or dirt. The Cullens have spent countless hours and tiring efforts to create the perfect outdoor wedding and a clean home to showcase. Elena walks the newly polished floors and continuing up the staircase.

"I never learned how to use makeup."

Bella stares blankly at the vanity where compacts and palettes of colours are set in arrangement. She could not help but feel the intimidating aura of the blonde woman entering confidently into Alice's bedroom, which she's offered to be used as the makeup room. Rosalie had taken the opportunity to perform a good deed to her soon-to-be-sister-in-law. She had twisted Bella's hair into a simple yet elegant up-do before leaving to help Alice decorate the venue.

"Rosalie did your hair and Alice did your decorations, I guess I have to do a good deed to the bride as well." Elena states in a playful matter in hopes of keeping the atmosphere light and comfortable.

Bella replies with a warm smile, her eyes shining thankfulness. Elena gently picks up a large fluffy makeup brush and begins the artwork.

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