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"I am ravaged, but spirited. Damaged but still deserving."

Chapter IV // Russet Fur

Elena turns to face the Cullen, finally snapping out of the trance. Her attention turns from the vampire to the werewolf, unsure of what to do next. The beast lifts its large head to stand even taller, barring its dangerous spikes known as teeth at the male vampire. Edward calls for the female one more time, signalling for her to return to him. The wolf jumps in front of the woman, preventing her from leaving it's side.

"Jacob, let her go," Edward commands.

Jacob, the name repeats in her thoughts, to the point of it escaping her lips. Unknowingly, she runs pale fingertips slowly on the copper colour fur. It then turns it's large head to face the woman. With a smile, she nods at the beast as a form of goodbye. Elena gracefully lands at Edward's side as he began to walk back to the house. She sneaks one more look at the werewolf before following suitly. It remains standing in place, watching her disappear into the darkness. The pair walks in silence, however not an awkward one. He is in need of the space and silence to think. The mortal he decided to bring into his life causes more stress than he expected.

They enter their home together, Edward holding the glass door open for her. Everyone had scattered all over the house, no longer being in the huddle most would call a 'Family Meeting'. Bella remains in place, sitting on her own on a loveseat. The brunette takes note of Edward's newly vibrant golden optics.

"Bella, let's go," Edward states before exiting the house one more time.

She nods before rising to her feet. Her hip accidentally makes contact with the corner of the loveseat. This causes Elena to silently scoff, audible only to Bella. The human's cheeks flush a tomato red in embarrassment. She scurries to the doorway to avoid anymore clumsy accidents. Elena sends sad stares to the back of the mortal. Sadness is only one emotion she feels towards Bella, another prominent one is confusion.

Why does she want to be like us? Why is she sacrificing all the great things of the living to become a monster? We are neither alive or dead, simply existing in the dark. Forever hiding who we really are and feeding discreetly.

Edward is already sitting in his luxury Volvo. Bella examines the sleek fire-engine red two seater convertible beside his equally expensive car. She sits in the passenger seat, her eyes never once leaving the red vehicle.

"An Aston Martin DB11, beautiful isn't it? Elena always loved the luxury," Edward states, noticing where her attention is.

It matches her red wine lips perfectly. Bella nods in response as he sped out of the driveway and onto the road.

"Edward... How long have you known Elena?" She asks, breaking the awkward silence.

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