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She is evil by her very nature, beautifully wicked in every aspect

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She is evil by her very nature, beautifully wicked in every aspect. Basking in a night of darkness with a heart as black as the very depths she awoke from.

Chapter VIIII // Beautifully Wicked

"What's the point of continuing to plan this wedding?" Rosalie complains with a heavy sigh. Opposing the aggressive tone of voice, her slender fingers gently insert invitations into crisp white envelopes.

Alice copies the actions of her sister. The two have surprisingly agreed on an invitation style and are working along side one another to have them sent to the guests in a timely fashion.

"And why wouldn't we?" Alice replies, attempting to remain ignorant of the reason.

"Alice you know exactly what is happening in Elena's bedroom right now," the blonde pauses her task, "I don't think this is a great way to start an engagement."

As if on cue, the women's sensitive hearing catch the sound of a door opening and closing, followed by high heels clicking against the staircase of the house. The footsteps sound confident yet gentle, clearly belonging to their other sister, Elena. She appears in the line of vision of the two busy women, only to find their intense gaze fixated on her face. All three women stay unmoving in place, not one wanting to break the stare.

"How're the invitations looking?" Edward's voice interrupts the eye contact.

The women were incredibly focused on one another that they did not notice the man entering the kitchen. Alice and Rosalie immediately return to the envelopes, working in complete silence. Edward furrows his brows, wondering why they disregarded his comment. Elena could only sigh before grabbing the keys to her luxury car.

Elena rests on the hood of her sleek red Aston Martin. The newly built DB11 is a brand new upgrade from her classic 1951 DB2 convertible. Clearly, her love for the Aston Martin line did not diminish. The idea of cars and having the ability of a motor is such a recent happening that it boggles her mind. However, she would trade the metal engine for her beloved white horse any-day.

It is nightfall, the slender crescent of the new moon being her only source of light. She basks in the silence as the past week's events are in the process of analyzation through her mind. Aro's conditional clearance is harder than she originally thought. It is a lot of guilt and shame to be the home-wrecker. But is it really home wrecking if Edward loved her first? Her attempts to find any reasonable explanation for her unrighteous behaviour only leads to failure. There is nothing that can possibly explain her desire to be with an engaged man.

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