The Hidden Volturi II

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"As you wish my dear Elena."

Alice Cullen's scream frighten every living creature within a three mile radius of her home. Various species of birds shaking to their core and instinctively soaring into higher altitudes. These birds share a commonality with the elegant vampire, their fight or flight instincts coursing through their very being. The sight is magnificent. Dark spots painting the sky as they flee. Jasper, the pixie's night in shining armour, leap over the metal stair's railings and races to the shaking female. His face is fully of worry and sadness at the sight of his significant other. Out of pure instinct, his arms find home around her shoulders. Following his trail is the remainder of the Olympic Coven, the ones who are currently not enjoying a honeymoon at Isle Esme.

"Alice, sweetie, what's going on?" The worrying mother, Esme, is the first to acknowledge the situation at hand.

The woman in question collapses onto a sofa as Jasper cradles her in his embrace. She is unable to form proper sentences, only managing to blurt incoherent words. Rosalie stares hard at the adoptive sister. Never has a vision shaken her up this terribly. Emmett, Esme, and Carlisle surround Alice. All wearing matching faces of concern.

"We need to call Edward—" her raspy voice manages to string together a statement, "—it's about Elena."

Only then does the coven realize their newest addition is no where in sight. Having yet to return from her hunt— three days ago. How unfortunate it is to know that none have shown regards to her whereabouts until that moment. Many had assumptions that she was simply blowing off steam after the marriage. Rosalie is the first to reach a phone, many still in shock that they did not realize sooner. Her fingers tap away on the screen from pure muscle memory, without a care that she could be possibly ruining the newly wed's honeymoon.

"Hello?" The mortal's voice is at the receiving end of the call.

Alice gestures the beautiful blonde to hand her the cellular device. Against her usual playful attitude, she complies and passes it to her sister.

"Bella, you and Edward need to come home now."

"I-Is it about a baby?"

"Baby? I'm calling because of Ele—"

Carlisle snatches the phone away. His interest landing on a larger problem at hand. It seems today is bad news after bad news. He continues to converse with the mortal, not at all in favour of what the future has in store. As the father figure takes the conversation into the kitchen, the vampire's return to staring at Alice. Such an innocent being given a gift of both fortune and disaster, precognition. They all stare at her wearing expressions that imply she must share her new findings.

"Where is Elena," Edward forcibly pushes on the entrance of his home, causing the door to bang against the wall as it swings. Not a care in the world except for her.

His mind only sees red. The dangerous ability of mind reading is terribly useless as he is unable to process his own thoughts. Not only did he receive a menacing call from his sister, but he faces a potential war with the Volturi. The thing rapidly growing inside his wife does not provide positive feedback from the vampire governing body. Bella follows her angry husband, her hands shaking, clutching onto the carry on. Within a blink of her eye, the household is surrounding them. All engaging in different conversations. She feels out of place. Mostly due to the fact that they all surround Edward and faces the backs of all of them. Bella's hand grazes her cloth covered belly. Clearly noticing the faint outline of her wrist's bone structure as it pads over the mystery growing within her. She's growing weaker by the minute and her living body can feel it. It's excruciating pain comparable to Jane's wrath. Especially the one that hits her right at that moment. Her spine arches as the bones crack against each other.

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