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She shined the sparks of fire above thine ocean, reigning in the night. The hope long searched for when ships lose route. She releases the chains of past conditioning, freeing the experience that shapes us. She is freedom.  

Chapter VIII // Aro's Clearance

The Cullen's return fully fed. They enter the door with inhuman speed as their optics glow a beautiful yellow. All took note of Bella's absence and Elena's presence in her living quarters. The family scatters all through out the large home, busying themselves either with planning the wedding or their occupation. Edward, however, heads straight for the blonde's quarters. His cold hand did not bother knocking, simply forcefully turning the doorknob and entering. His eyes widen in realization as to why it is etiquette to knock.

Elena stands in front of her sleek white vanity table in nothing but lace black lingerie. Her hands had just finished clasping her simple black bra on. Through the mirror of her vanity, she catches sight of the man entering her room. He simply stands at the door frame, hand still at the knob. With a smirk, she turns to face him. Her fingers flick which causes the door to slam right behind him, leaving him in stun inside the room.

"Why do you look so surprised Edward? This isn't the first time you've seen me naked."

With those words, he attempts to gain composure by clearing his throat and adjusting the collar of his button down shirt. Bearing black stockings attach to a lace garter belt, she slowly strides towards the man. A lovely gazelle taunting the vicious predator.

"Why did Bella leave?" With struggle, he manages to form words.

"Read my mind Edward..." Elena insists, "Realize what I know."

The engagement is not off to an amazing start. She does not know when the mans proposed, but she knows very well that he does not deserve to be lied to. Elena knows exactly what she is doing. The exposing of Bella's secrets may be just what she needs to have her old lover once more. Although Edward and Elena may not have seen each other in decades, she knows that his feelings for her still burn inside him. Seeing the expression he gives while seeing her naked completely proves her theory. Neither of the two are loyal to their engagement.

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