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"She was an angel craving chaos, he was a demon seeking peace."

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Chapter V // Enticing

"Your beauty is unmatched, neither the world's brightest sunset or darkest moon can compare."

"Your words never fail to make me smile, Mason."

The pads of his fingertips are as smooth as ever, lovingly tracing circular shapes onto the skin of her bare shoulder. Her sky blue orbs stare at the handsome man standing before her, his equally bright oceanic irises never once leaving her face. His accent is thick of English, a beautiful melodic sound. Every sentence he speaks sends her into a drooling pool of blob, he is her weakness. Elena's slender fingers take a hold of the man's hands, enjoying the skin to skin contact. Their fingers lace into one, intertwining until it became unclear where one hand starts and the other begins. In brief, the two are in utter love.

"Her face is scaring me."

The familiar voice shuts down Elena's daydream of her fondest memory. Existing for as long as she has, memories are a very brief concept. But if one does stand out, it follows her through the millenniums. She shakes her head in hopes of clearing her mind and returning to the present. Elena sits on a stainless steel stool with her chin resting on her left palm and elbow laying on the white marble island. Emmett Cullen is staring at her daze expression at the opposite end of the island. His eyes take note of her obsidian pair, showing that her last feeding was not enough to satisfy her for twelve days. But then again, no feeding can properly satisfy a vampire for that amount of time. On the other side of the unused kitchen, sits Alice. Her right hands holds a pair of black handle scissors as she arranges a beautiful glass vase full of hydrangeas, carnation, and gypsophila.

"Emmett, leave the poor girl alone... by the look on her face it must be a daydream about Mason again."

"Mason? Mason Beaumont? Elena the man has been dead for ages!"

Pushing off the stool, the woman strides towards the exit without replying to the male. He knew exactly how to push her buttons and she did not want to be in that light hearted environment in her state. Unlocking the door, she is ready to face the forest and all the delicious beasts which rest in it. Going on an animal only diet completely disgusts her. After living on human blood for so long, it is a challenge to flip her millennium long routine.

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