The Emily Of Suburbia

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Katie P.O.V

After Jake threatened to take the phone, Dad threw his glass of water at his causing him to fall back and smash some plates, before Mum could come shout at us Me and Dad ran to the music room.

"How come I haven't been in here before?" I asked. "I dunno. Do you wanna play something?" Dad asked. "Ok.. Jesus Of Suburbia. There's a bit that sounds like Emily in it." I said. As Dad got Blue he said "I thought you hate Emily." "I do but you did say once in an interview that you write about things you hate." I said as I grabbed Red. Yes, I called Him Red... Got a problem with that? "True. Plus you do call England City Of The Dead." Dad replied. "Cool, Lets play." and with that we stated.

We dragged the song a bit and I said "This is what sounds like Emily."

Everyone is so full of shit

Born and raised by hypocrites

Hearts recycled but never saved

From the cradle to the grave

We are the kids of war and peace

From Anaheim to the middle east

We are the stories and disciples

Of the Jesus of suburbia

We both sung. We stopped there and started laughing. "Your right. It does sound like her." Dad said, then we heard Mom shouting so we walked out of the music room trying not to laugh, as we tried to act like we didn't know anything.

"What the hell is this mess Jakob?" Mum screamed, by the look of it he tried to clean up, but failed.

"I-I... It was Katie who started it." Jake said pointing at me. Truth is HE started it.

"How? I was with Dad in the music room." I said innocently.

"OH COME ON!" Jake said.

"Don't blame Katie for this. If she was with Your Dad, Then how did she do this?" Mum said.

Then Joey came down with a video camera and said "Well I guess the plan failed then... I'm just gonna..." Me and Dad where shocked. Mum was so ticked...

"YOU TWO ARE GROUNDED. NO XBOX OR DRUMS FOR A WEEK!" she screamed. Good job Me and Dad ran.

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