A Dance With A Devil

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Katie P.O.V

I saw Millie talking to Jake and Joey and I freaked. "Katie, I'm hear." Millie said, then came for a hug. I didn't hug back, but then we all heard screeching tyres and then Dads car pulled up with him, Mike, Tre and both Jason's getting out. Millie was scared and that made me smirk. "Billie, What happened?" Mum asked. "Carol. That's what happened." Dad said annoyed then pulled me into a hug. "Millie." Dad said.

We are all in the kitchen sat around the island Me and Dad are next to each other and Millie next to me. "So... Why are you ignoring me, Katie?" Millie asked which got the whole tables attention. "Because..." I was dying to say this. "You ditched Allyson and Daniel just to hang round with me and now they are 8 hours away and I haven't called them in 2 weeks. Thanks... to... you." I said with a smile. "Well sorry! but surly I'm more important." Millie said angrily. "You know what. I Hate You. Think of it, I was the Billie Joe Armstrong of the group and Allyson the Tre Cool and Daniel the Mike Dirnt. You were the Jason White although you are terrible at guitar and anything else we could play. Now you are over hear acting like you are OK with how I am, when your not... GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE AND GO TO HELL." I screamed at her. She didn't say anything, she only ran out of the house in tears. Mum looked shocked at my sudden outburst. "Sorry, I was dying to say it." I apologised. "You were a mini Green Day." Tre said happily. "Sort of." I said. Dad was smiling like an idiot again. "So, What happened with Carol?" Mum asked.

Here we go... "She took Katie and I am more then mad at her and she is fired, but refusing to leave. Also she wants to take Katie again because apparently I payed to much attention to her then I did with my music!" Dad growled. "Dad, don't panic. Keith was like this and he punch a brick wall and some how broke his arm and I had to do all the cooking, but I burned my self more then once." I said. "How does that stop me from being worried about you, you got burned more then once." Dad said. "Yeah, but you don't cook." I said. "Enough with the cooking. Your making me hungry." Jake said. "Sorry." Me and Dad said in sync.


After all that today I was tired. It was 9 o'clock. I was in bed, but I couldn't sleep. Dad came in and we talked a little. "So, concert tomorrow. You still going?" Dad asked. "I cant even if I wanted to. CC broke his arm, so the tour has been cancelled." I said. "OH, in that case our weekend starts tomorrow. YAY!" Dad said with joy. "Cool. Dad can I asked you something?" I asked. "Sure." Dad said. "Could you sing me my song, I cant sleep?" I asked. "Sure." Dad said with the weird smile again.

Billie P.O.V - after the song

I sung it and she fell asleep. I need to asked Adie something. I kissed her head and walked downstairs. Adie wad in the kitchen. "Adie, Can I take Katie on tour with me and the guys?" I asked. Please don't say no. "Well, if she wants to go, then yes. But please Billie, Don't loose her again." Adrienne said. "I wont and I promise with my life." I said kissing her like crazy. "Uh... Night." Joey said. "I bet he has a nightmare tonight." I said to Adrienne. we laughed then went to bed.

I am thinking of deleting this story. Although I do know what will happen. Comment if you want me to continue.

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