The Big Weekend

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Katie P.O.V

Day 1:

I woke up and heard nothing, Mum, Jake and Joey were out of the house... I got changed into my Green Day UNO! DOS! TRE! t-shirt, some black jeans, Green Day DOS! Snickers and not to forget my red fedora. Once changed I ran down stairs to find Dad actually cooking something great. "GOOD MOWNING!" I shouted making him jump. I laughed "Dad... I'm not scary... surly you heard me... running." I said between laughs. "You are so dead." Dad said and threw lots of flour at me. He laughed as I grabbed an egg and threw it at him. That led to a food fight.

After we cleaned up and had a shower each, we watched TV. We ended up watching THOR, since everything else I have seen a million times. I have seen THOR a thousand and 3 times, but I just like Loki. "WOO LOKI!" I shouted as he came on screen. "So, you like the villain of Azgard." Dad said. I nodded as Dad got up. "What you doing?" I asked. Dad didn't respond. I didn't want to move, until the lights went out. I heard footsteps and then BOOM! Dad started tickling me. I fell on the floor laughing as Dad took the whole sofa to him self. I walked to the kitchen and got a glass of water and walked back in and sat on the floor staring at him. "What you doing?" Dad asked. I didn't respond. I threw the water all over him. It was fantastic. His reaction was priceless.

Once he dried off and changed his shirt yet again, he asked "Do you want to order pizza?" I loooove pizza. "YES, YES AND YES!" I yet again shouted. Dad got a 12" margarita pizza. We watch the end of Thor and the door bell rang Dad went to get it, as I put The Avengers in the DVD player. He came back with the pizza and a bottle of coke that you get for free. I got us glasses as we ate the pizza watching movies for the rest of the day, but as usual I fell asleep.

Day 2:

I woke up in Dads room, he was next to me. I quietly walked down stairs, since I was in my clothes from yesterday. The phone was ringing, I looked at the clock and saw it was 11 o'clock. I read the I.D and saw it was Mum.

Katie: Hello?

Mum: Hi. Katie?

Katie: Yeah, hi Mum.

Mum: Hi, You and Dad having a good time?

Katie: Yeah, loads of fun.

Mum: Great, I was just checking. *Talking in the backgraund* oh I'm sorry sweetie, I will have to call you back.

Katie: OK. See ya Mum.

Mum: Bye. *Hangs Up*

I heard Dad coming down stairs. "Who was that?" He asked. "Mum." I said. "You hungry?" he asked. I nodded as my stomach growled at me. We order a pizza for breakfast. I was amazed at how tidy the living room was. "Dad, this room was a tip yesterday." I said. "Yeah, but I cleaned after I put you to bed." Dad said. "yeah, your bed." I said as I got myself a drink. "Yeah, but your Mum ain't here, so y'know." Dad said. There was a knock at the door, so I went to get it. I opened it and then I got hit over the head. I went out.

Billie P.O.V

Katie got the door and I heard someone fall to the ground. I ran out the kitchen and saw someone with Katie in there hands. I ran to them and grabbed Katie and kicked them where it hurts. They fell to the floor as I called the police. I knew Katie would be OK, so I took her to my room and placed her in bed, she will NOT be allowed out of this bed until she is OK. The police came, so I dealed with that. I knew Adrienne would want to know about this. I hope she wont be mad at me.

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