Chapter 11

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 It was a travel day on Carrie's tour, and it was one that would take all day due since they were going all the way up to their shows in Canada. She decided that she would do some work, answer some emails, make some phone calls, also while cleaning up around her house on wheels and playing with her pups.

"So what's the day going to be like once we're in Ottawa tomorrow?" Carrie asked her manager, Ann, knowing it would probably be filled with interviews and press.

"Actually, you have some two radio interviews in the morning and then you have the day off since the show isn't until the next day," Ann explained.

"What? That's it?" Carrie questioned, only to receive a nod from Ann. "I don't know what I'm going to do."

"Relax for a change," Ann joked.

"For real," Carrie giggled in return. Right in the middle of their conversation, Carrie's phone started buzzing, and the name that came up made her giddy inside. She let out a squeal, "That's Mike!"

Carrie took her phone and made her way to the back of the bus where her bedroom was, closing the door before taking the call. "Hey, babe."

"Hey, how's the road treating you?" her boyfriend of practically eight months asked. Simply hearing his voice made Carrie giddy inside. She hadn't seen him for over a month and she was missing him like crazy.

"Good, I've gotten a lot of simple things done today," she answered.

"Oh yeah? Like what?"

"Just answering emails, taking some calls, cleaning up around the bus," she listed off. "I actually basically have the day off tomorrow. I'm not sure what I am going to do with myself especially in Ottawa. It's gonna be so cold."

"Wimp," Mike jokingly commented.

"No fair!" she whined. "I'm from Oklahoma where we hardly get snow!"

"I guess you're right."

"Of course I am," she retorted. "I wish you were hear. I missed you before but recently I've been really missing you."

"I'm sorry, I have too babe," he consoled her through the phone. "Only a few more weeks though."

She let out a sad sigh, "It just seems so far away."

The couple continued to talk on the phone for hours, Mike not mentioning once what his true plan was. He was so excited that it was hard to contain, let alone lie to Carrie. It was all in good reasoning though. As their phone conversation went until midnight, Mike began to not hear anything from the other line, usually meaning Carrie was getting tired.

"Care?" he tried to still steal her attention. There was still only silence through the line. A few seconds later, he began to hear quiet and faint snores, causing him try not to laugh and wake her up. He just whispered an 'I love you' before hanging up the line to let her sleep. Little did she know, it would only be hours until they would get to see each other.

Carrie's alarm on her phone woke her up at the butt crack of dawn as she had to get ready for her radio interviews. She almost jumped out of bed since her phone was right next to her ear where she had fallen asleep the night before. She turned her phone on snooze, allowing herself to sleep an extra ten minutes. She heard her bedroom door open and tried to ignore it knowing it was probably Ann trying to wake her up. When she felt her bed dip down though and someone lay next to her, she got a little uneasy.

She quickly turned her body around, her tired eyes looking to see who was in her bed, only to find the only person that she would be okay with doing such. "Mike!" she squealed, her voice still sounding a bit tired.

"Surprise," he softly whispered in her ear as she snuggled into him.

"I thought you had practice or something," she said.

"Coach wants us to catch a break for a little bit. Plus, I could not be away from you any longer."

Carrie could not help but giggle and blush at that sly remark. "I basically have the day off too."

"I know," he smirked. "That's why you should get ready and go do your interviews so I can have you for the rest of the day. I have everything planned."

"What are we doing?" she asked, wanting to know every detail.

"That's a surprise for later," he giggled at her cuteness.

Carrie gave him a pouty look before getting up to go to the bathroom. She glanced at the mirror, noticing that her hair was a wreck, she had no makeup on which revealed visible marks she did not want to be seen, and she was still in pajamas. "I can't believe you saw me like this. I'm a mess," Carrie chuckled.

She was about to close the door to the bathroom before Mike put his hand out to stop it. "You look absolutely beautiful in every single way," he told her seriously.

"Yeah right," she shook her head, playfully rolling her eyes.

"I'm serious," he told her. "I love you, and you'll always be gorgeous to me."

At that exact moment, she had the goofiest smile plastered on her face. She immediately brought her lips to his, where they stayed in that moment for what felt like only five seconds, but was really five minutes. "I love you too."

Mike gave a toothy grin back as they pulled away. "Go get ready. They'll be needing you soon I bet."

Carrie got ready for the day before it was time for her short radio interviews. After they were done, Carrie and her crew checked into their hotel for the day where Carrie dropped off her stuff in her room, with the help of her boyfriend of course.

"So what do you have planned for the rest of the day?" Carrie asked.

Without saying anything more, Mike took her hand and led her out the door. He had a rental car parked out front and let her in, opening and closing the door for her.

"Mike," she stopped him before he was about to take off. "Where are we going?"

"Okay, so since we are in my hometown I thought it would be the perfect time for you to meet my family," he told her.

"Wait," she froze. "Like your parents?"

"Yeah," he nodded. "Is that okay?"

"I need to go back to the room and change," she said, displeased with her outfit of choice to meet his parents.

"Care, you look amazing. You're fine," he said before driving off.

"Mike!" she yelled as he pulled out. "No, I don't!"

"What's up with you?" he questioned, confused by her sudden outburst.

"What's up with me?" she repeated. "I'm meeting your parents for the first time and you didn't even tell me."

"Do you not want to go?"

"Don't," she snapped, not wanting to seem like a bad girlfriend. "Of course I want to, I just would have liked a heads up."


The rest of the car ride was quiet between the couple. Mike was unsure of what to say or do. He thought that she would be excited to meet his family, for she was always so kind to everyone she had met from his friends to his teammates, just everyone. He didn't know why this was different and he didn't know why she was lashing out, but he knew he had to resolve it before they entered the Fisher household.

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