Chapter 12

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 "Care," Mike spoke up as they were almost to his parent's house.

"Hm," she mumbled.

He paused for a moment, trying to think of how to word what he wanted to say, nervous that he would make Carrie more upset than what she already was. "Is the reason you wanted a heads up when you mean my parents because you're nervous?"

Carrie continued to play with her hands as she was looking down into her lap, nervous to even admit it, "What if they don't like me, Mike?"

"Babe," he said, gently taking one of her hands from out of her lap so it was holding his. His thumb caressed her hand, trying to soothe her. "With you, there is nothing to be worried about. You on your angriest day would still come off as having this incredibly amazing heart. They're going to love you. I wouldn't be excited and I wouldn't have wanted to make this a surprise unless I didn't think you were going to love them."

"You promise?"

"I promise, Princess," he said, before kissing her hand. "I'll be by your side the whole time. "I love you."

"I love you too," she said, a small but comforting smile escaping her lips.

As soon as Carrie's mind was put at ease, they pulled into the two story Fisher house. She could tell Mike was excited to finally see his family after not seeing them for so long, and she tried to mirror his excitement as well. Both of them made their way out of the car, walking up to the doorsteps hand in hand, Mrs. Fisher greeting them at the door.

"There you are! I was getting worried!" Karen said, her arms wide open for her son.

"We're finally here!" he replied embracing his mother that he missed so much.

"I'm so glad," she said, pulling away as her eyes went to Carrie. "And most importantly you must be Carrie."

"That's me!" Carrie said awkwardly. "It's nice to finally meet you, Mrs. Fisher."

"And you as well," she replied, hugging the blonde. "We've heard so much about you. He talks about you every time he calls."

The blonde blushed, looking to her boyfriend who was as red as a tomato from his mom already embarrassing him. Both of them couldn't help but smile at each other from the cute moment. Karen led them inside the house where the rest of the Fisher family was gathered, chatting amongst themselves.

Mike introduced Carrie to his entire family that day from his mom to his dad, brothers, sister, nieces, and nephews. They were all so kind and warm to Carrie and she couldn't help but feel so comfortable around them. It was then that she realized that she had nothing to be worried about. They loved her because Mike loved her, and that put her at ease.

Carrie was playing with his nieces while Mike put away the dishes with his mom. With Carrie out of earshot, it was Karen's turn to talk to Mike about her.

"So how do you feel about Carrie?" Mike asked.

"She's so sweet," Karen answered. "She's very kind and pleasant. You have a good one on your hands."

"Mom," he grabbed her full attention. She put a dish down and looked at her son. "I love her."

"Have you told her that yet?" she asked.

He nodded, "And she loves me. I haven't met her parents yet, but I see a life with her."

Karen could tell by the serious look on his face that he was serious, and she knew exactly what he meant. She had never seen him this way before with his past relationships. "Well, make sure you do whatever it takes to keep her then. She sounds worth it."

"Mike," he heard Carrie's sweet voice call for him.

"That's your cue," Karen told him before giving her son a hug before he left to find Carrie.

"There you are. Where have you been?" she asked as she took her hand into his.

"Just with my mom," he told her, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "What did you need me for?"

"Nothing, just you," she giggled patting him on the chest. "I absolutely love being around your family. I'm so glad you took me here."

"Everyone really likes you here," he told her.


"Really," he assured her as he stole a kiss on the lips from her before wrapping his arms around her as she placed her head on his chest as they looked at the sea of family that was in the living room.

"I love you," she told him.

"I love you too."

An hour later, Carrie and Mike decided it was time to leave. They hugged each family member goodbye before they drove off towards the hotel Carrie was staying at. He led her up to her floor and they walked towards her hotel room before they stopped.

"You want to come in for a little bit?" she asked.

"Only if you want me to," he replied.

She took his hand and led him into her hotel room as she made her way over to the bed immediately laying down in it. Mike couldn't help but chuckle, "You tired?"

"A little," she said.

He climbed into bed as well, crawling on top of her body. She placed her hands on his chest, immediately being able to feel all of his defined muscles, subconsciously biting her lip. "I missed you."

"I missed you too."

Their lips finally brushed one another. For a few seconds, they exchanged simple and easy kisses, but a few minutes later it was turned into a heavy make out session. They spent about half an hour making up for lost time. As things began to get heated, their tongues were at battle, causing faint and subtle moans to escape both of their lips.

Their heated make out session continued as Mike's hand wandered under her shirt, first caressing her toned stomach, but slowly made his way up to her breasts. When he noticed she didn't mind, he continued to massage them as their lips continued to battle. As more minutes passed, he couldn't help but notice their centers lined up against one another, immediately turning him on. He started to grind against her, Carrie immediately feeling sensations she had never felt before. She felt a slight wetness forming below, as Mike was feeling the same. His hands went from her breasts, traveling down south, massaging her center through her pants.

She pulled away from his lips, unable to control her breathing. She was hesitant by Mike's actions, and she felt unsure, and as soon as Mike made eye contact with her, he knew. He withdrew his, rolled over to the side next to her on the bed while placing a few light kisses on her cheeks.

He respected her and the fact that she wasn't ready. Honestly, he wasn't even ready, even though he's had his experiences. He wanted Carrie to wait. When that time came, he wanted to make sure it was the best for her, and that she felt completely loved, cared, and cherished for.

Meanwhile, Carrie didn't know what Mike thought. She knew he respected her, but that doesn't mean he still doesn't want what he wants. She didn't want to be the one holding their relationship up. She felt bad for not giving Mike he wanted.

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