Chapter 16

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 Hockey was into full gear as the holidays came around, specifically around Christmas. He had a few days off though before his games over Christmas and decided to spend it at the house he owned up in Canada so he could visit family.

Meanwhile, Carrie was completely on break from her tour. She had gotten to go to some Preds games and take care of the house and of course the dogs. It wasn't until later on in her break only a few days before Christmas that Carrie was going to get to go meet Mike in Canada. She was excited to kick back and relax with the man she loved so deeply. She was even looking forward to visiting Mike's family especially where they were so kind to her in the beginning.

Trying to get to Canada was proving to be a difficult task for Carrie. Her flight had been delayed twice. Six hours later, they were able to redirect her to another flight which had to wait two hours before takeoff due to snow. Being on a plane for so long made her nauseous and queasy. Finally when her plane landed in Ottawa, it took over a half hour for Mike to find her and pick her up because she had arrived at a different gate and traffic at the airport was unbelievable.

With her suitcase, bags, and dogs all in hand, she was finally able to find Mike and head to his Canadian cottage that was just over an hour away. By then, it was two in the morning.

"You must be exhausted, Care," Mike said.

"Yeah, I don't feel the best either," she yawned, leaning back in the passenger seat.


"More like nauseous," she answered.

"Just go to sleep, babe," he instructed, rubbing her thigh as he drove with the other hand. "I'll wake you up when we're there."

It didn't take long until Carrie was out like a light. Mike pulled up to the driveway in the dead of night, and she was still fast asleep. The last thing he wanted to do was wake her up, so he got out of the car, went over to her side, and carried her up to the guest room where she was going to be staying. He made a second trip to get her bags up there as well before planting a kiss on her forehead and leaving her to rest.

The next morning, Mike's thoughts woke him up early. He got himself ready. He opened up a drawer in his master bathroom and picked up a small but fancy velvet box. He stood there just staring at it for almost ten minutes. He had had that box with him for a little over a month now, waiting for the right time to show Carrie. That was when he couldn't wait any longer.

He climbed up the stairs rather quickly and walked briskly down the hall before entering Carrie's room. He hated to wake her up especially after she didn't feel well the night before, but he was too antsy. He opened the door before quietly walking in to see his gorgeous angel sleeping peacefully, her blonde locks thrown every which way. She seemed so calm and relaxed.

Mike sat down in the bed beside her and began running his fingers through her hair, rubbing her fragile arms up and down. She started to stir in bed, letting out a groan.

"Good morning, princess," Mike whispered.

"'Morning," she replied groggily, her eyes still not opened. "What time is it?"

"Almost 7."

"Why are you up so early?" she asked, recalling their late night getting in.

"Couldn't really sleep," he answered shortly, he wasn't sure what else to say so he awkwardly added. "Do you want to go on a walk with me?"


"Just around the property."

"Right now?"

"Yeah, right now. Come on, you don't even have to change. Just go as you are."

Mike practically dragged Carrie out by the hand down the stairs of his cottage. She was in her pajama pants and a t-shirt, her body wrapped up in a blanket, her messy locks long and tangly. As soon as the couple stepped outside, a gust of freezing wind whipped their faces, immediately sending chills to Carrie.

"Mike, it's too cold for this."

"We'll be fine. We won't be out long, I promise," he replied, wrapping his strong arms around her small body, trying to give her warmth.

They walked through the woods in the backyard of the cottage which lied beside the lake. They trudged through the snow before they reached a clear opening in the middle of the forest. It looked like an absolute winter wonderland as they listened to the trees breezing through the wind and the soft chirping of birds.

"I can't believe you made me come out here and freeze my butt off."

"You're not gonna believe this either," he replied quietly enough that Carrie could barely hear. "I love you so much, Care. We bring the best out of each other. You've got such an incredible heart and you are just as beautiful on the outside as you are the inside. I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Mike-," she tried to get out but was interrupted when she saw him get down on one knee, pulling out that velvet box he had pulled out of the bathroom drawer that morning. He revealed a beautiful yellow diamond ring, but all Carrie could do was look at the incredible man standing before her.

"Carrie Marie Underwood, will you marry me?"

There were no words, only actions. Carrie jumped Mike tackling him to the ground, repeatedly kissing, tears of happiness streaming down her face. They were going to live an incredible future together, and both of them could not be happier.

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