chapter one🌸

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It's the first day of my senior year, time to go back to that school full of dummies after the most. awesome. Summer ever!!!

I'm Brittany McArthur. Wanted by all boys and the envy of all girls. I'm your stereotype blonde with never ending legs and C cup. Of course, gorgeous too.

I stepped out of my baby,a new gift from daddy (a  pink convertible). I started getting all the stares which I was used to already.

My friends joined me, though I call them my minions cos every queen b needs her minions right?(love those little yellow creatures though). Just kidding! they have been my besties for like forever, but they are still my minions :P.

"Hey Britt, it's clear to see your summer was great with your nice tan and your ever perfect face" Sophie, my mocha skinned friend said with her voice dripping with sarcasm. We've been friends for a long time and she has adored me for like forever(OK, maybe she doesn't anymore but leave me and my delusions).

Though,I'm still closer to her than our other friend Isabelle, I trust her more and tell her stuffs plus she's been my friend since like 3rd grade and Isabelle just joined us in 9th grade because she was really awkward before(not my fault).

I scoffed,"you're supposed to sound like you adore me, doofus not like I'm forcing you to say it"

"Well, you kinda are" she deadpanned. Funny story there, I texted her what she was supposed to say to me when we saw. I had to! She always sounded so uninterested in my holidays. Don't judge me!

I rolled my eyes."whatever. Anyways, daddy planned this awesome vacation for me and Brent(my annoying twin), it was great except when he had annoying threesomes" I said scrunching up my nose.

"Hah,Brent" Izzy said with a dreamy look on her face. She has had a crush on him for so long, they've hooked up a few times but my brother doesn't really do relationships so. She's cute though,(I will never hang out with a ugly girl) she has olive skin and she's a gorgeous brunette,I totally ship them.

"How was summer girls?", I asked them and they filled me in about it but I kind of zoned out. I know Sophie said something about going to Nigeria,she's from there and Isabelle kept mentioning hot, she should be referring to boys right? I don't know and don't care, I only have to look interested. So,I had a permanent smile on my face.

"So, we have AP calculus now" Izzy said bringing me out of my beautiful thoughts. I scowled, I hate maths with all that is in me, like what benefit does it have for me, why don't we just not go to school and still make money.

As far as I know, daddy doesn't use maths and he's a multi billionaire OK except maybe to count his money but he has accountants for that. I sighed. "You know, we can just skip class if you want", Sophie said sensing my discomfort.

"Nope, its our first class in senior year, let's take this school by storm", I said bringing out my practiced smile, adjusting my dress to make my boobs come out and wearing my confident posture.

"Let's do this" I whispered and the three of us cat walked in synchrony like we were listening to a beat,With me in front of course.

I actually felt like Sharpay from high school musical, remember that part when she was like,"gimme the beat" and she cat walked out according to the beat, I think part two or so. I made Sophie and Izzy go over it so many times till we were able to catwalk according to an imaginary beat in synchrony 'Practice makes perfect', they say.


Thank you for reading the first chapter of queen B ,I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I know its short but its my first time,please bear with me.
Please Vote and comment...will mean a lot to me and will encourage me to write more.

Chapters will get longer, promise!

This chapter is dedicated to my brother @owolabijeremy for being the best brother ever, well my only brother, oh well!


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