Chapter thirty one🍝 (unedited)

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I was super nervous all through school, I really found it hard to concentrate. The story of my relationship with Jeremy was all over school, some thought I was doing it to make Gabe jealous but I really didn't care what they thought.

All I knew was that I was in a relationship with someone I lo- uhm, really liked and I was happy. My first boyfriend. It must have come as a surprise to the entire student body though, I didn't do relationships, just flings. I bet that was what they thought at first. Oh well, who cares?

The bell for the end of school finally rang and I sprang up from my seat.

"What's the rush, Britt? You've been restless all day"

"Today is the D-day"

She widened her eyes in understanding.

"D-day?" Izzy asked with a thoroughly puzzled look, she looked certainly better but there was nothing make up couldn't do.

"Sophie would tell you all about it" I blew them both a kiss and dashed out of the classroom. I didn't need to look at Sophie to know she was rolling her eyes.

I went to the car park and met Jeremy at his truck. A bright s!ile made its way to his face as soon as he sighted me.

"Babe" he said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and brought me in for a hug."I missed you all through today, do you know how hard it is not to see you for a whole day?"

I wrapped my hands around his neck and put my face in the crook of his neck. We had no class together throughout.

"I know right. If not because we would graduate in no time. I would find a way to change your time table".

He chuckled,"perks of dating the Queen bby, amiright?",

"Darn right"

I pulled away a bit to look at his face and search for any sign of nervousness, he raised an eyebrow and I shook my head.

"And here I was thinking you would be super nervous. I can't believe I spent all day worrying" I smacked his arm" I'm not even the one 'meeting the parents'"

"I'm super nervous, of course. But you would be there" he pecked me on my fore head,"awww, she spent all day worried about me"

"Doofus" I muttered

"I didn't quite get that, did you say hottie?"

I giggled, "get over yourself"

"7pm right?" He asked and I saw a glimpse of his nervousness, but it went almost immediately. He was trying to cover it up for me, awww, this boy!

"Yup, don't worry, Darling. My parents would absolutely love you"

"Parents? Your mom would be there?" He was visibly panicking.

"Gee, Jer! Don't make my mom sound like a demon and no. Just dad and Bridget, she's nicer than mom though" he relaxed and I laughed. He pulled me back into the hug obviously embarrassed, he and his blushes.

"Plus, it won't be only you with the attention, Gabe too"

He nodded his head and I pulled away reluctantly. "Unless you want me to walk home, I gotta go" he groaned and let me go with one last peck on my lips. I quickly ran off to find Brent and he was flirting with a junior. I rolled my eyes. Typical.

He must have been done with all the seniors and sophomores seeing as he now resorted to juniors.

I didn't bring my car as Izzy brought us to school and I even wanted to ride on Brent's bike as it would calm my nerves.

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