chapter two🌹

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The first four periods were uneventful, my friends and I all had the same classes at the same time,the work of connection. Money is sweet,really. People say money doesn't guarantee happiness but honestly, I'd rather cry in a mansion.

It was lunch time and I was totally famished. I could only get salad though because I was watching my weight. I just saw May Dustin getting ham burger, I rolled my eyes and wondered if she doesn't care about her figure. I'm kinda jealous because the burger looked so satisfying but as usual I don't show it instead I tormented her to make me feel better.

You know a Queen b always has a nerd she picks on. She's mine, she was so easy to pick on! Like stay away from trouble was her watchword.

"Hey May" I said smirking at her. "Hi Brittany, what do you want" I saw a flicker of fear in her violet eyes(I'm tots jelly of that, I wear violet contacts cos I always wanted that eye color but it was just never the correct shade,arghh!).

It felt good to see the fear though she covered it fast with a brave face. Her eyes were pretty but I can't admit that to her. I wish she wore glasses like a nerd was supposed to, all the guys were bound to notice her pretty eyes soon!

"Was just wondering if you never got tired of looking so fat and ugly,don't you wish to have a gorgeous body and be wanted by guys to once in your life?" I asked her raising one of my perfect eyebrows and smirking at her, daring her to reply, her mom was my dad's secretary and daddy told me to be friendly to her, imagine! His secretary's daughter!

She pretended to her mom we were friends though just so she wouldn't feel bad. So she didn't respond to my regular taunting just not to cause a fight her mom would hear about. Such a sweet little daughter, all the better to pick on.

She opened and closed her mouth like a fish and a satisfying smile came to my face. Just then, her annoying goth friend had to open her mouth,"At least she doesn't look like those malnourished children in Africa like some people we know" she said eyeing Sophie, Izzy and I.

I felt blood rush to my face ,I fumed inwardly because no one talks back at me do defiantly like this goth. I could easily make their high school life a living hell but she already looked depressed, no point again. Izzy rubbed my back in an attempt to calm me down muttering something that sounded like don't let her get to you.

"Last time I checked I wasn't talking to you, weirdo" turning to May "you better control this your, strange excuse for a friend before I lose my temper" meaning, yell, actually, lie to Daddy.

"You know what I can do when I'm not happy" I crooned giving her a sickly sweet smile while playing with her hair. Actually nothing, but she doesn't need to know that.She stared at me wide eyed and nodded." Glad you know" I smiled feeling satisfied and turned flipping my hair for good measure and cat walked out of the cafeteria losing my appetite with Sophie and Izzy behind me.

I stopped abruptly when I saw Gabe outside with his jock friends in his glory looking like a model straight out of a magazine. He had a perfectly toned skin with chiseled jaw with a dimple and green eyes, I could stare at him forever. I sighed internally.

I turned to my girls "how do I look?". "perfect as usual" Sophie said. I put up my well practiced smile and went to the boys . I heard some wolf whistling as I approached them. I inwardly smiled, but the boy in question just looked bored. My face fell but I put my smile back up almost immediately making it unnoticeable.

"Hey sweetheart" I smiled flirtatiously at him.

He just scowled "the name's Gabe"

Always proving difficult. "how about I come around tonight and I promise you would beg me to call you sweet heart " I winked at him.

"Not happening, Britt. You + me equals never gonna happen" he sighed "I don't know how you expect me to spell it out to you again"

I scoffed,"you really don't know what you are missing babe" I said winking at him.

I then walked away, to say I'm feeling embarrassed is an understatement. He was the only one with the ability to make me feel that way. Yeah, I've liked him since like kindergarten and I don't know why he can't see that he belongs to me.

"How'd it go?" Izzy asked me looking worried. I shook my head. Sophie sighed "don't worry dear, one day he'll realize u are the perfect one for you and he'll come crawling back to you".

"really?" I asked her hopefully

"really" she said smiling at me,I felt better. "Come on, we have theatre arts now" that really uplifted my spirit as I'm a natural in acting. What will I do without you Sophie I thought smiling.


Thanks for reading another chapter of Queen B. I hope it wasn't too short.
Brittany on the side.
I know Taylor Swift isn't C cup but let's imagine her with bigger boobs?

Dedicated to @oresopekan for encouraging me to continue writing even when I didn't feel like.


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