Chapter thirteen🌼(unedited)

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It's been two weeks since I last saw or spoke to Brent in fact. We have done a good job at avoiding each other. We now stay alternatively at our parents place. I don't know if they just didn't notice or they did and they just don't care. It's actually fine by me, sometimes it's nice to not have doting parents.

The news of Brent's and May's break up has been all over the school for days now with different stories as usual. I heard Brent looks like shit so some said she's quite the heartbreaker, breaking the school's bad boys' hearts, I hate that version because it's so close to the truth.

She also looks so much like shit, I've confirmed that with my eyes. That made some people conclude that Brent so how much of a slut she is as he supposedly found out that she was sleeping with so many other guys including Gabe and so he broke up with her. My favourite version yet because it paints her as the slut she really is.

One more thing, Gabe is back and he looks hotter than ever. Still ignoring me though, I'm still thinking of what to do to make him realise his undying love for me.

"Even after everything we have done, May is still the talk of the school. For two weeks now! Izzy said snapping me out of my reverie. I turned to see her run her hand through her face. She hasn't really been herself lately.

After the whole May issue, Brent had called her over but she said they got into a big fight as he kept calling her may while they were at it, he was drunk. Since then, they have also not been talking and it's taking a toll on her, I guess her feelings for Brent run deeper than just crush or lust. Oh well.

"I know, right. It's because they don't have anything better to talk about. Why don't we give them something to say?" She saw the evil glint in my eyes and she smiled.

"Watch where you are going, dweeb" we heard Sophie say. "Like this" I said then we smirked and turned to who Sophie was referring to. It was a lanky girl and she should be a junior. She has braces and she looked so scared. "This should be easy" I muttered with a roll of my eyes. When she met my eyes, if she looked scared before, now she looked like an animal just before the slaughter.

"Do you have a problem with your eyes or you need a pair of glasses to complete your ensemble?" Izzy asked her. I got closer to the girl and she kept taking steps back till she hit the locker. I ran a finger through her face. "You know glasses would really suit you. You will go from dweeb to dweeber. Just your perfect accessory, don't you think?" She nodded her head.

"Hmmmm....A grandma's glasses would suit you the most" I said clapping my hands together and widening my eyes like I'd gotten a very excellent idea. Then I smirked. I looked down and saw her books scattered on the floor must be curtesy of Sophie. Nothing else to do then. I looked back at Sophie and Izzy and they got the message, We then sashayed out of there.

"That was really boring" I sighed. "Yup" Sophie said popping the p. We were in our secret corner of the school. It's not a spot people don't know. It's just a spot people avoid because of us. We were seated on separate bean bags. "Oh, I know!" Izzy practically screamed. "Oh my God, Isabelle. Tone it down, would ya" Sophie said glaring at her and she sulked and muttered something along the line of our loss as she leaned back on her bean bag.

I rolled my eyes. "What is it, Izzy?" Her dyes instantly brightened and she gave Sophie a triumphant look which Sophie ignored and then turned to her phone. "What if, we paint on her locker now while they are all in class, the word DWEEB, which she really is. Imagine the surprise on her face and what the student body will make her go through. May would instantly stop being the talk of the school!" She bounced on her seat, I don't know how she managed to do that so don't ask me. "I'm such a genius!" She squealed almost giving herself an high five.

"About as much as a genius as my butt" Sophie said clucking her tongue. "Well did your butt bring the idea miss smarty pants?" Izzy said sporting a glare that is almost close to Sophie's usual glare. "You are just jealous I brought up the idea and not you. Besides, your butt isn't as sexy as this girl" she finished flipping her hair back.

Sophie raised one of her eyebrows looking amused. "You sure about that?" I rolled my eyes at their antics. Yes, Sophie has a really sexy ass and she knows it, you know the type of ass guys stare at for so long especially when she twerks it.It's really fun to watch their exchange but we were not getting anywhere. Izzy looked speechless for a while then she stuck her tongue out which Sophie shook her head to, chuckling.

"Alright girls!" They both turned to look at me. "Izzy's idea is actually really nice" she turned to give Sophie an I told you so face and Sophie just rolled her eyes at that. "Yeah, yeah, but we can't get our hands dirty". " True" I said thinking of something else to do, when Izzy squealed again. She's too hyperactive today, well, she normally is but today's own is just too much.

"We can tell the guys to do it for us as usual but she'll still know it was our job" she said putting both of her hands up in a triumphant gesture. "Genius Izzy is on a roll! And the crowd goes ooooh" she finished cupping her hands around her mouth when she said ooooh.

"Yeah, let me call Brent" I said absentmindedly about to dial my number one speed dial before I remembered. Sophie gave me a sympathetic look. "Still not talking?" I nodded, "I really miss him though". "I'll call Stan" Izzy quickly said sensing the tension. Stan was one of Brent's friends. They used to be the ones that helped us do our dirty work. I really need my best friend back. We gave our consent and she called Stan.

"It is done girls! The reigning queens of this school are back! And we will be the talk like it's supposed to be" I gave her a mock knowing glare. "Okay okay, the reigning queen and her minions" she said with a roll of her eyes and we all laughed. "The important thing is" Sophie started "all is right with the world again!"

"Yassss! Time to party!" I screamed and we skipped the rest of school to prepare for the party Sophie is throwing tonight.


Thanks for reading chapter 13 of Queen b. Don't forget to






Chapter dedicated to daisylyyy  just cos she's my baby😊

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