Chapter twenty two😎(unedited)

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I overdressed to school. Meaning, I'm back bitches!

I wore heavy make up, a really short and sultry skirt, showing off my never ending legs, high heeled boots with straps that went up to my thigh. A cute crop top saying 'queen'. I actually felt like that. I left my hair in its natural wavy form so it could bounce while I cat walked. I over sprayed as usual and that explained why everyone turned to look at me as soon as I entered the corridor.

It felt great. I really missed the feel of everyone staring at me and adoring me. It actually felt better walking alone but I'll need 'minions' soon enough. Sophie and Izzy won't be too difficult to replace. I bet people could smell me from miles away and my fragrance would last for a while even after I leave. I cat walked like I was listening to a beat.

I even blew a few kisses and winks at people. It was really nice.

I went into the bathroom and started retouching my make up in front of the mirror. A girl met my eyes through the mirror, wow, bold. I raised one of my eye brows and she moved closer to the mirror and started applying make up too. She looked familiar. She had a friend with her too.


I remembered her. She had been trying to befriend me for a while. Monique or Monica. Couldn't remember then. She was also a prep, rich daddy too.

"I heard about your fight with Sophie, I can't believe her!" She said in a voice that sounded to high pitched too be real. I smirked. Got a new 'minion' fast.

"Thinking that she used to adore you before" her friend chipped in with a dramatic roll of her eyes.

"I know, right" Monique or Monica said. "She really needs to be taught a lesson about not to cross you"

Her friend nodded with fake enthusiasm and came closer to me, I almost choked on the overload of her perfume, am I that bad too?

"Omigosh! You have such great hair" she squealed as she took my brush and started brushing my hair. I rolled my eyes. Such suck ups! They were too fake.

Even Izzy wasn't this bad.

The girl was now running her hands through my hair and it felt irritating. Monica/que had a triumphant smirk on, awww, I'm gonna ruin it and it felt really good!

I turned to face her and gave her a smirk of my own. She must have taken it the wrong way because she now had a full smile. I fought the urge to laugh.

But first, my head was getting irritated. I grabbed the wanna be's hands, squeezed a little tightly and pushed them away. She stared at me wide eye as my smirk turned to my signature glare.

"First of, Nobody has a right to touch my hair except my hairdresser or me. and Jeremy. Ugh! Why dies he jeep popping into my head! Don't try that again if you don't want to lose your hands" she gulped audibly and backed up. I turned to face Monica/que.

"Monica or Monique, whatever your name is. Not that I care" I rolled my eyes like it was the most obvious thing in this world. "You can never replace Sophie or even Izzy in this life or the next" I moved closer to her till I was in her personal space and our noses were almost touching. "Don't try anything stupid before you regret being born"

I then smirked and moved back.

"Now, scram" I deadpanned.

They didn't need to be told twice and went for the door. They stopped before they went out and I heard them gulp audibly. After they went out, I saw the cause. A glaring Sophie who soon smirked at me.

She walked towards me as her smirk became a sweet smile which felt creepy coming from her. She then pinched my cheeks and cooed.

"Awww, my pweety baby woves me" I slapped her hands but couldn't help the smile on my face.

"Of course, doofus"

She then hugged me and I sank into her embrace before I pushed her away. "I'm sorry babe" she said which was again, pretty weird.

"Same here. But please don't go all sappy on me" we then laughed and the fight was forgotten.

"One more thing" I said on the way to our homeroom,"who are you and what have you done with Sophie?".

She rolled her eyes as we entered the class to see an over smiling Izzy, waving us over manically. I had really missed her craziness. I had missed my girls.


I got to mom's house to see Brent again. I groaned loudly. "What again? I see you weren't satisfied with insulting me yesterday. Have you come to out more salt into the injury?"

"I'm sorry,Britt"

I did a double take. "What?"

"Yeah, I mean it. I judged you too quickly and all. I'm sorry. Let's talk about it?"

"Alright" I sat on the couch and he sat beside me.

"I was just sick of you chasing after Gabe like a pathetic lovesick puppy and he isn't even that great".

I rolled my eyes, Brent and Gabe have always had this unspoken competition of who is the 'baddest' and hottest guy.

"You kept blaming everything on May which isn't fair. Well, yeah, at first I hated May too and got close to her to get you your revenge but then I realized she's just a victim in everything. I fell for her cos she's sweet, innocent and down to earth "

"You couldn't have thought for a moment she's a very good pretender?" I raised one of my eyebrows.

"Nobody can be that good" he deadpanned. "I thought the same thing at first but I decided to give her a chance and I fell for her"

"She charmed you!"

"Listen to yourself, Britt"

"Do you still feel for her?"

"Nah" he waved it off. "It was just a crush. You know, there's something very attractive in innocent nerds to bad boys like me" he said smirking.

I scoffed, "wannabe bad boy". His smirk dissolved into a smile and I hugged him. He hugged me back tightly.

"I've missed you so much!"

"Same here lil' sister" I shook my head at him.

"It was really hard to stay mad at you but you just kept on being a jerk" I pulled away and scrunched my eyebrows, "I went, two or is it three months not talking to you. Do you know how hard that was?" I asked hitting him on his arm as hard as I could.

"Ow!" He said dramatically rubbing the spot I hit. I rolled my eyes and hugged him back. I had missed being in his arms. and a certain somebody's.


Thanks for reading chapter 22 of queen b, don't forget to vote, comment and share.

I entered this novel for the wattys, I think that will motivate me to complete it fast. Tell your friends about this novel;)

I'm planning to change the first few chapters when I'm done with it.


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