Chapter twenty one😄(unedited)

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I came out of my room later that day, it was around 8pm and I was famished. I hadn't had anything all day. I passed the dinning on the way to the kitchen and I saw Brent eating, I rolled my eyes and kept walking. He was supposed to be at dad's.

I microwaved the left over pizza mum must of taken the day before. I took a slice and went back to the dining.


"What" I answered as I took a bite of my pizza.

His plate was cleared already so I guess he wanted to talk. "You should apologize to May and Bridget"

I raised an eyebrow, "cos?"

"Just because. You know how you treated them wasn't fair especially Bridget, you should have given her a chance"

I scoffed,"yeah, I totally should have been nicer to the people that ruined my life".

"I don't understand how that happened, Britt"

"Do you need me to educate you, cos I gladly will. Bridget came between mom and dad ruining our chance of a happy family. May in the same fashion took Gabe, you and oh, dad too since he has decided to be on their side not his only daughter!" I had already lost my appetite.

"That's not true and you know it. Dad and mum were never in love, it was of his own accord he started a relationship with Bridget. It would have been someone else if not her. About May" he rolled his eyes," she didn't steal anybody from you. Gabe wasn't interested in you, I'm still your brother and dad is also still your father"

"As expected, you would support her. I'm not surprised anyway, she's also your sister and dad's daughter, at least soon"

He narrowed his eyes,"why do you like behaving like the world revolves around you? I think you are just a stuck up insecure bitch who just likes putting everybody down to feel better". I gasped and he opened his eyes wide like he didn't believe what he said.

I stood up and tears were already flowing, I swiped at them angrily, " yes! I'm insecure, OK? I don't anything else except dad's money and my makeup, I'm not smart like Sophie or May, not beautiful like Isabelle! I'm insecure! Happy now?"

I turned around and started to my room. "Britt-" Brent started, I raised my hand up silencing him, "Save it Brent" I then muttered under my breath, though loud enough for him to hear, "and to think I was planning to start talking to you".

I entered my room and closed the door with a bang. I laid on my bed and bawled my eyes out. I cried till I had no more tears and my head was banging seriously and I couldn't sleep.

I stood up from my bed, planning to go to the bathroom but I caught myself in the mirror in my room and I went to stand in front of it not recognizing the girl staring back at me. I sat in front of the mirror, on the floor, tucked my legs under my body and stared at the girl in the mirror.

She had the same blue eyes I had, of course but it looked duller and not full of life. Red and puffy eyes, red nose and chapped lips. I guess, I'm not so perfect after all. My hair was at every angle. I bet nobody would recognize me this way, hell, I didn't even recognize myself.

I laughed at this thought for almost five minutes before I sobered up again. I couldn't cry anymore. I massaged my temple to cool my pounding head. I sat there for minutes or hours? I don't know. Just staring at my reflection.

I had no friend, after Sophie and I's big fight, I hadn't heard from she and Izzy. I scoffed, like they were ever my friends. I missed Jeremy like hell but.

Let me just say, I wasn't ready for guy drama and I didn't even want to think of the possibility of actually having feelings for him.

I missed Brent too but all he wanted to do was support May and her mom. I don't even know what to do anymore!

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