Chapter thirty four🙍(unedited)

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School was finally over.

I know I say that all the time.

Honestly, most people would agree with that, the joy that comes at the end of school except maybe nerds. I was waiting for Monique/ca with Izzy and Sophie at a corner of the school they usually passed. I was going to deal with her. Izzy was really thrilled, I hadn't seen her this excited for a while, it made me feel happy which was weird because I wasn't nice and didn't actually care about people's feelings.

Sophie looked bored as usual.

The girl and her friends finally came around, one of them looked familiar, I remembered her from the library's fiasco. I met her eyes and smirked. She gulped and I turned to look at the wanna be queen b who was standing with her arms akimbo. She had guts!

I smirked at her and saw the fear in her eyes. I slowly glared at her and she took in Sophie and Izzy behind me. It must have been a funny sight, like two gangs having a face off but we were obviously the stronger one.

"You're in my way" Moni(let's just stick with that) said breaking the silence.

"I should be saying that exact phrase" I cocked my head to the side and raised an eyebrow,"don't you think so Moni? and not just literarily"

"I don't understand what you're saying" Sophie scoffed and muttered "yeah right"

"I'm not surprised at that" I continued, "seeing as you're really dumb. I'm just going to say it in simple terms for you not to confuse your tiny brain" Izzy giggled.

I went closer to her and lowered my head till I was in her face. I was taller than her and wearing heels too, that was to my advantage.

"Stay. Away. From. MY. Boyfriend" I then pulled back,"next time won't be just threats"

Her croonies widened their eyes and I felt triumphant till I saw her smirk. What the?

"Are you that insecure?" She cocked her head and raised an eyebrow mimicking my gesture. I heard someone gasp behind me. I saw one of her friends tug her at the elbow but she still kept smirking. I felt my self get really hot in the face and my triumphant smile faded.

"You bitch!" I grabbed her hair like I wanted to do and felt a little satisfaction seep in. She screamed as I kept pulling. She dug her nails into my hands. Her friends just stood there still wide eyed not knowing if they should run or save their 'queen'

Sophie grabbed my hands and whispered that it wasn't worth it. I got what she meant. I would make her last stay in high school a living hell no matter how short it was. I let her go,"you would regret this Moni " I cooed as I stomped to Sophie's car. I got into the passenger's seat.

"This is nothing a good dose of Starbuck's coffee and hot barista can't fix" Sophie said as she turned on the ignition. I didn't give her a reply and she sighed before driving off.

Sophie finally dropped me off at mom's claiming I was a bore and was dragging their spirits down. I didn't bother to reply and went to bed, my plan already formulated in my head. It was Friday so I had to wait till Monday.

The next morning, I woke up in a better mood. Mom was in the living room watching some crappy soap opera, I made coffee and grabbed a slice of bread before sitting beside her.

"My baby sleeping overnight at home on a Friday night? That's new"

"Morning mom" I took a sip of my black coffee and grimaced, it was really hot.

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