Chapter eight🌲(unedited)

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"Britt" Sophie screamed waving at me as I entered Starbucks. They had left me in school while I left to fend Gabe so they said we should meet up so I can update them.

"So" Izzy said wiggling her eyebrows suggest fully at me.

"What?" I asked raising one of my eyebrows and supping out of my already ordered cafe latte. "Mmmmm" I moaned, just what I needed. I slumped down on my set ignoring them. I could already feel their curiosity and impatience, I did an internal eye roll.

"Oh, tell us, tell us, tell us!" Izzy said with a pout and she and Sophie fluttered their eyelashes at me, this time I rolled my eyes. "Okay, okay. I will" I finally said so they wouldn't start chanting leading to unwanted attention not that I don't like attention.

They were looking at me expectantly but I had to finish my coffee first. When I took the last sip, I started.

"So, I led him to the nurse's office with my hand wrapped around his waist and he kept his arm around my shoulder. It was really warm" Izzy giggled. "I comforted him through out. I rubbed his shoulder while the nurse treated him. Who knew a bad boy could feel pain? But he was still very hot as usual" Izzy and Sophie exchanged looks and giggled.

"As soon as he left the nurses office, he shrugged my arm off his shoulder and pushed me away" I finished remembering the pain i felt in my chest which was more painful that the bruises I got when I hit the wall.

"Awww, bummer!" Izzy said as her face changed. Sophie placed her hand on my hand that was in the table and rubbed it with her thumb giving me a sympathetic smile. I shrugged and continued.

"I went to the bathroom to cry and while I was in one of the stalls. I heard May calling gothy and so I came out and taunted her like the classic bitch I am" I finished whit a smirk and took Sophie's cappuccino and finished it. Izzy high fived me while Sophie gave me a glare for taking her coffee and I just shrugged again.

Izzy stood up."come on girls, this calls for ice cream and chick flick night" she said dragging both of us out of the café. My phone vibrated for the third time and I ignored it like I'd been doing since. Whoever is texting me can wait.

We were in the middle of our third movie and had already gone through two huge tubes of ice cream when my phone zinged. AGAIN!

"Just reply whoever it is Britt" Sophie said not taking her eyes from the movie. I grabbed the phone with more force than usual. I had 5 texts and I didn't bother to check who it was before I opened them.

Sup Bri

Can only be one person...

I heard what happened, are you okay?

I would expect him to care about someone who wasn't even involved in the fight.

Reply me when you see my messages

I'm here for you if you need someone to talk to

What did he even hear that needed all this care.


Another one entered now


I shook my head and quickly replied before he spams my phone with text messages.


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