Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I was in a daze when I arrived home last night. Chris' words kept echoing in my mind endlessly, like a song on repeat.

"I wanted to share it with you because're special."

Chris thought I was special. I had no idea whether I thought he was lying or if he really meant it. I'd never seen Chris as the romantic type so this side of him was new to me. But I liked this side of him.

Chris had certainly left a good impression of himself last night; he had been a total gentleman, so caring and considerate. He took me to all my favourite places and even to his own special get-away. I was touched when he told me that, I couldn't believe that he actually wanted to share it with me. His reasoning behind it though, I was still skeptical about. I wasn't special so why did Chris think so? I'd say I was an average 17 year old girl. Pretty but not drop dead gorgeous, nice body but nothing amazing, cute personality but nothing that screamed wow. All in all, I was pretty normal.

I walked into school this morning-notice I didn't sneak in-surprisingly looking for Chris. Yesterday had gone well and I was really curious as to what he was going to do today.

"How did the date go?" Clara asked, a playful smirk on her face as she popped out of nowhere.

I rolled my eyes. "It wasn't a date and it went well. Really well."

"That's great!" Clara exclaimed happily. "So everything's going fine so far?"

"Clara," I said firmly. "We've only been out once. I can't exactly say if everything's going fine yet. Ask me that in a couple of days."

Clara's face fell but she nodded. "Okay. It's just that I'm so excited about you guys getting married, then having kids, then-"

"Woah, woah, woah." I said as I put my hands up. "What's this crap about marriage and kids?"

Clara glared at me. "It's not crap and just because you aren't planning your future life with Chris, it doesn't mean I can't do it for you. I am going to be the godmother of your gorgeous little kids after all."

"Aren't you getting a little bit ahead of yourself?" I asked Clara. "I mean I most probably won't fall in love with Chris so there's no need for you to be discussing our marriage and kids."

I shuddered when I said the words marriage and kids. Too early to think about that now.

"No I'm not," Clara stated firmly. "And you will fall in love with Chris so I have nothing to worry about."

"Jesus Christ woman." I muttered under my breath.

"Your kids will be so cute!" Clara continued her fantasy. "I can't wait to see them so make sure you have sex with Chris soon."

"You want to have sex with me?" A deep voice asked.

Oh shit.


"Are you sure about that, sweetheart?" Chris grinned.

"Most definately." I answered as my eyes narrowed at him.

"But how can you possibly not want this?" Chris said as he gestured to himself.

"You're not that hot." I scoffed.

Chris smirked at my words. "But you do think that I'm hot."


"Umm...I ughh." I nervously stuttered, looking at the ground as I avoided Chris' statement.

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