Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"Kate! Can you zip me up please?" I shouted desperately, settling into panic mode.

I heard the pounding of Kate's footsteps as she made her way to my room. "I'm here." Kate mumbled as she chewed on a piece of bubble gum.

"Thank god for that." I muttered under my breath.

As Kate did my zipper, I attempted to lean over and grab my hairbrush, failing miserably in the process. I obviously didn't have the multi-tasking gene.

"Stay still."


I tapped my foot impatiently on the ground as I waited for Kate to finish.

"All done."

I let out a breath and immediately stopped my tapping. This time I was able to successfully reach the hair brush and I quickly ran it through my hair. I took some strands and braided them, pinning them to the side. My makeup had already been done so all I had left to do was put my shoes on.

When I was done, I rushed to my mirror, anxiously checking my appearance. Would Chris think I looked beautiful? Would I even be able to compare with all those other girls?

Perhaps not. But a part of me could only hope.

The doorbell rang then, interrupting my worried thoughts. I heard someone open it and the sound of voices wafted through the air.

As I made my way downstairs, I kept my eyes glued to the floor. For some reason, I couldn't find the courage to look Chris in the eye. But when I heard Chris' voice, I knew I had to look up.


My head rose and as soon as my eyes made contact with his, my breathing stopped. He looked unbelievably handsome in his suit and tie; eyes sparkling, smile wide, cheeks slightly flushed. He grinned at me before it dropped, his eyes glancing over me as he took me in.

"God, Jenna," He mumbled huskily. "You look absolutely beautiful."

I felt the blush rise in my cheeks and I bit my lip. "Thanks, you look good too."

Chris raised an eyebrow and stepped closer to me. "Just good?"

My heart skipped a beat. "No, you look extremely handsome." I answered truthfully.

"Well that evens out then," Chris murmured as his hand grazed my bare back, coming to a rest at the bottom of my spine. "An extremely handsome guy, an unbelievably beautiful girl; we have got to be the most breathtaking couple in the history of couples."

A small laugh made its way past my lips. "Still as arrogant as ever."

"You love it, sweetheart." Chris whispered in my ear, before placing a small kiss at the base of my throat.

My eyes widened at the movement and I felt a rush of tingles shoot through me at the contact. I shivered slightly, bringing my arms around Chris' neck for support since my legs had turned to jelly. As I latched onto him, he placed another kiss, this time along my jaw. He continued along this path, making his way from the edge of my jawline to the corner of my mouth, pausing briefly when he made it there. He seemed...conflicted, like he was having an internal battle. What about, I wasn't sure.

He seemed to make up his mind as he kissed the edge of my mouth, so carefully that his lips never touched mine. A whimper sounded from my mouth; I yearned for his touch, to feel his lips on mine. Chris seemed to understand this as he whispered gently, "Tomorrow."

I had seemed to close my eyes some time along and so I opened them, seeing a boy who was smiling at me like I was the only girl in the world. I could only nod in return, spirit slightly falling at the thought of waiting until tomorrow. I didn't have it in me to fight against my feelings for Chris anymore, to hide them and keep them secret. Because no matter what, they would keep resurfacing and there was nothing I could do to keep them at bay. I now believed that I had feelings for Chris all along but my hatred for him had blinded me, so much that I refused to see the good things-no, the amazing things about him. I failed to realise how wonderful and caring and sweet he was, I failed to notice him. How his eyes never seemed to lose that spark, how his smile always seemed to be so genuine it was breathtaking, how he ran his hands constantly through his messy array of hair, how he bit his lip when he was nervous...I could continue for hours and never have a reason to stop. Because now I had found him and I wasn't letting go. I was never going to let this feeling slip from between my fingers. I was going to hold on tight, cherish it and preserve it for as long as possible.

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