Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Chris gently pressed his lips against mine as his hands went around my waist. I tried to push him away but it was no use. I was nothing compared to Chris, who was 6 ft with a strong build and muscles. I let out a little shriek when Chris tried to deepen the kiss and tried one last time to push him away. Unfortunately for me, it didn't work. Chris's hands were now in my hair and his kisses had moved to my neck. I squirmed against his touch and desperately pleaded him to leave me alone. Chris didn't say anything, he only lifted his head from my neck and gave me an evil smirk that simply said, I win.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I instantly rose from my bed at the sound of my alarm clock. I was breathing heavily and I swiped a hand across my forehead to wipe of the sweat.

Another nightmare, I silently groaned as I headed for the bathroom. When would they end? As soon as the month of December started, so did the nightmares. Yup you got it, my nightmares were about Chris kissing me; horrific I know. I'm sure Chris' fan girls would totally not consider this a nightmare but it honestly was to me. Every night, Chris would decide to grace me with his annoying self and have me worrying all the way till Christmas. I swear I never spent a moment of December in peace and without being paranoid. Although I didn't let my paranoia show, it didn't mean I wasn't. Of course I was, that boy had been trying for 4 years now to steal my first kiss at Christmas under a mistletoe. Sounds romantic? Not really...he's only doing it to show off to his friends I'm sure. Why else would he be so persistent? He just wants the glory of claiming that he kissed Jenna Maverick, the girl with the virgin lips.

What a great way to be known in high school right? The girl with the virgin lips...on the bright side, at least you could say it had a nice ring to it. Honestly speaking, I didn't mind being known as that. So what if I hadn't kissed anyone? Was it something to be ashamed of? No I don't think so. Those stupid sluts were just jealous that Chris was going after me because of my virgin lips and since they were whores, well I guess you could safely say that they were anything but virgins.

As I came out of the shower, I got dressed in a cute skirt and top along with some converse. I quickly dried my long, dark brown hair and brushed it, braiding it into a side plait. I grabbed my phone from my desk and shoved it into my school bag as I ran downstairs.

Glancing round the kitchen, I noticed that I was the first one down. Woohoo! I did a little victory dance as I thought of where I wanted to go or what I wanted to do this weekend. You see, in our family we have a tradition. Since my siblings and I are all very lazy, my parents decided to come up with an idea to help solve the problem. The solution was quite straight forward. Whoever got ready the quickest every morning for a week got to choose what they wanted to do or where they wanted to go on the weekend as their prize. Since I had won 3 out of 5 times this week, I got to choose. I was in a tie break with Kate (who's 13) but poor Tom (who's 8) hadn't won a single time. That boy didn't stand a chance against us girls. Caleb couldn't even join in because he was only 4 and mum needed to get him ready herself.

A few minutes later, Kate came pounding down the stairs and into the kitchen, her face falling when she noticed me smiling smugly at her.

"Dammit! I was so close." Kate muttered as she made herself a bowl of cereal. I followed her and together, we both sat down and started to eat.

"Don't worry, I'll pick somewhere nice for all of us to go." I told her as I munched on my frosties.

"Please don't ask to go to the cinema again! We've watched too many films already!" Kate complained.

"But I like watching films..." I argued back.

"But you take it to an extreme level." Kate glared at me.

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