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Clove Chapter 4

People are now pushing at me and screaming my name "Clove that's you!" "Get up there Clove!" "Clove." "CLOVE! Get up there it's you!" I could have sworn my heart stopes beating. It was me. I am district two's tribute. I will be going into the arena and I am going to win. I slowly but proudly walk up to the stage making sure everyone that I pass gets a good look at me and remembers my face when they see it back here. When I get up to the Stairs that lead onto the stage I give a small grin and a little snicker so when the other tributes watch this they will e aware of me. When I get up onto the stage I stand next to Dayla and wisper to her not to ask for bolenteers because i want to do this. I watch as she scatters over to the glass bowl that contains the boys names. "Jaden!" Dayla yells into the microphone. When I see him make his way through the crowd he dosent look happy. He drags himself up onto the stage. "Any volunteers? For Jaden?" Dayla says in an excited voice. "I volunteer." a voice said. It came from the sixteen year old section. Cato steps out into the isle. Of corse it was Cato. E told me in training if he didn't get chosen he would volunteer. He struts up to the stage smiling. He trades spots with Jaden. "What is your name deer?" says Dayla in the sweetest voice possible.

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