Chapter IV

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"Oh no! No, no, no, no, no! This can't happen! We're all screwed! Wait, what if... no, that won't work... well, maybe..."

"Jason" is uttered from John's mouth.

"Yes? You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. But, whatever you're gonna do, do. This might be the only way for everyone to survive"

"Got it. Wish me luck!"

At that, Jason runs over to the unconscious angel;"yes! Just what I was looking for." He finds the daggers that she was previously using to stab the demon with.

Jason picks them up, one in each hand, blades pointed away from him. Then he runs toward the crater that holds the demonic being.

I have got to be just about the most insane person in the world.

When he reaches the edge of the crater, he stops and stares for awhile at the demon. He is large, with huge muscles. He wears plate armor, covering his whole body. His skin is blood red and his dragon-like wings black. He has black hair, and his horns are huge and curled. One of them has a missing tip.

The demon is using a device, looking similar to a human tablet, but obviously not one. His fingers seem to be too large for the dozens of tiny buttons scrawled across the screen, and he keeps having to correct himself.

"Stupid piece of primitive junk! This is way to small for the task at hand." His voice seems poisonous, like a snake.

Jason creeps as close as he dared, ending up perched on a piece of concrete that juts out of the side of the crater, hanging almost right above the angry demon. He starts to gather his courage, about to attempt what the angel failed to.

Then, Jason let's out a war cry as he jumps off the ledge. Probably wasn't a good idea to yell like that, but Jason is lucky and the demon doesn't notice.

He lands on the back of the demon with a thud.

"What the!?!"

"Hey! How ya doin', buddy?"

"Get off of me you insignificant speck of wasted life"

"Well, ow! That really hurt"

The demon roars in response.

And then, it's time for Jason to hang on for dear life. The demon propels himself upwards with his large, powerful wings.

Jason let's go with one hand, and grabs on to the armor harder with the other. He begins to stab at the armor with one of the daggers, but quickly realizes that it's futile, it won't be broken by the dagger.

So, he instead has another idea.

He grabs a horn with his free hand and starts to pull.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow. Ow! Stop it, you stupid mortal!"

"Nope, not today, and probably not tomorrow."

The large being reaches back and hits Jason repeatedly. He then uses his claws to claw at the teen.

Jason feels the claws digging in to his side, and growls in pain. He tries to escape them by shifting his body away from that arm, but the demon reaches back and claws at him with the other one.

Jason then realizes that there is one part of the demon that is uncovered enough for the knife to cut: his wings.

Just as he's about to attack them, he hears a yell.

"Hey, you ugly, demon, son of a whore! Look over here!"

The demon turns, and before he can turn the whole way, there's a loud pop.

Then, a small copper bullet comes into Jason's view. It tears a hole through the demons wing, enters his shoulder through a gap in the armor, and comes out the other end, pulling the bit of armor off with it. It's still going fast enough to pass through the hole in the bottom of his helmet and go through his jaw and cheek.

After the split second of carnage, the demon spirals downwards due to having a whole chunk torn out of its wing. Jason stays on him, making the demon slam onto the ground on his stomach.

Jason wastes no time in grabbing the demon's helmet, ripping it off, and using a dagger to slit it's throat. Black blood soaks Jason's hand.

He doesn't care, though. He runs back over to John, but falls down just before he reaches him.

John is just laying there, body completely relaxed. He's dead, having bled out from the large wound in the middle of his body. But Jason then sees something. Being held there by John's right hand is a piece of black metal. Specifically, a black gun, smoking from the barrel.

Jason smiles, realizing that his friend that just lost his life, saved another.

That is so John.

But his moment of bittersweet remembrance is cut short.

"Arghhh!" The scream is torn from Jason's lips as he feels the most excruciating pain of his life, worse than the claws. His hand feels as if it's being torn off.

Jason looks down at it, and is shocked. All the black blood is gone from  the surface of his skin. However, Jason can now see all of the vains in his hand popping out.

They're all black, and spreading further up his arm.

The Legend of the Dark AngelWhere stories live. Discover now