Chapter VIII

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Jason has no idea what was so important about this place, aside from its grand size."So, what exactly is an 'aptitude gallery', Marci?"

"Well, Jason, an aptitude gallery is where immortals go to discover any powers they have; it's all DNA and genetics based."

Marci leads the two boys into the building, greeting the Dark Angel who sits behind the front desk with a warm smile. "Hey Carol, how's the wife?"

"She's doing great, Marci. Jeanette really loves her new job at the post office. We're looking forward to the next time we can have lunch with you."

"Oh, yeah! We'll have to make some plans! But, for now, I need to speak to the professor, is he in?"

"Yeah, he's in his office! I don't think he's too busy. See you later, hun!"

All three of them, still led by the eldest, walk down a hall, lined with pictures, to the professor's office. Its the only door in the twenty foot hallway. On the plaque, it says "Professor Jenkins".

Carmen chuckles a little when he sees the name, "so, is he an old man?"

Marci has a quizzical look plastered on her face. Carmen continues. "You know, old man Jenkins?" After her face doesn't change, he decides it best to just shut up.

When Marci opens the door and the others walk in, they stand near the entrance, flabbergasted. The room has a Tardis effect: it is way bigger on the inside than the out. The room is perfectly round with giant machines around the outside. In the middle of the room is a desk with some monitors, connected to the giant machines by large cords, and papers, and a man sits at the desk.

His wings are slowly moving side to side, as if lulled by some unheard melody. The dark-haired man seems be stuck in his work, as a fly in a honey trap.

Then, surprisingly, he speaks. "Who are the two boys you brought with you, Marci? They need to be tested, I presume?"

The boys are, again, very shocked. "How in Hell did you know we were here!"

"Ha! Oh, it's quite simple actually. You see, one of my abilities is that I can see where ever I want, whenever. So, I can do my work here, and see you over there." The whole time, he doesn't even look up from his work.

Finally, he gets up, and reaches the party with two flaps of his wings. He stretches out his hand as a friendly offering to the two new kids.

The trio then tells professor Jenkins about the events so far. He simply nods and says small comments, such as ""mmhmm" and "okay" and "I see". When the storytelling is through he walks over to his desk, picks up a remote, and presses two buttons. Large doors on two of the machines swing open upwards.

Jenkins then tells Jason and Carmen what is about to happen. "So, you two will get in an aptitude machine. Once you are in there, the door will swing closed. At that point, shut your eyes, unless you want to go blind. You will then be scanned, and we will know exactly what the two of you are capable of! So, that's it, hop up there!"

Jason flies up into one of the machines and steps inside. He sees Carmen do the same. Once the door begins to close, Jason shuts his eyes, as he was told. For the next three minutes, all he hears is loud banging. And he sees bright lights through his shut eyelids. Finally, the noise quiets and the lights go away. Then, with a loud woosh, the door opens back up.

The young Angel and Dark Angel get out of their machines and fly over to where the others stand. The professor is looking at some readings he has on a tablet he holds in his hand.

"I'm going to start with you, Carmen. You have the basic Angel abilities: fast healing, enhanced eyesight, and enhanced intelligence." Jason snorts at the last one. "Also, you seem to be telekinetic, which is actually pretty rare, despite the human race having it in so many of their super heroes."

"Now, Jason, you are pretty special. You have the basic Angel abilities, just like your friend. You also have the basic demon ones: enhanced strength and speed, and immunity to fire, lava, and anything similar. You also have a very rare ability of your own. You, young man, are pyrokinetic. In case you don't already know, that means you have control over fire, and can create it at will."

The professor then turns to Marciella. "Take these two over to Beastmaster Randolph. He is acting as the town's Ability Trainer, since his brother is sick at the moment."

Marci let's out a short laugh, and then grins from ear to ear. "This will be fun."

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