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A girl sits on the fallen tree in the woods,and thinks why can't everything be this way.
She has gone to far, went to deep. Now she can't get out. All she ever looks forward to is the next weekend or break. Even then she's not happy, always thinking about tomorrow, never now, never enjoying any thing.
She feels her friends don't like her, don't care about her. She knows it's not true but still feels it. She would just like them to do something for her. Some surprise to show her that they cared, that she wasn't alone. But it never happened.The loneliness, the depression, the sadness. She knows things will never go back to what they used to be, when she was happy. When she had all the friends in the world. When she felt wanted. Before her best friend left her. Before she started thinking bad things. Before she cared how she looked. Her mother grieving over the girls grandmother, her friends leaving. The stress of school, the feeling of being un wanted. It's like being the back up character in a movie. The star gets the attention, while they don't even know the back ups name.
The only thing that makes her happy is the woods. Where she could talk, relax, feel happy again.
But when she comes back to reality everything is still the same, the same loneliness. So she just keeps walking, keeps going through her life. Trying to find someone who cares.

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