Oh look A TAG

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Tag tag tag tag tag tag tag tag tag tag tag tag tag tag tag tag tag tag tag mithzanlover764 tag tag tag tag tag thank you tag tag tag tag tag tag very much tag tag tag tag tag awesome person tag tags tag TAG!

1. Do you like someone: yep
2. Do they like you: yep :3
3. Middle name: Kathleen
4. Single or taken: TAKEN BACON
5. Last person I texted: Maddie💜
6. Last song I listened to: Shut eye by Stealing Sheep
7. Battery percentage: 100% \(^ ^)/
8. Best girl friend: (I'm gonna say someone other than my actual girlfriend) Olga 💙
9. Best guy friend: Nick
10. Favorite OTP: I'm torn between Corick or Newscapepro.......
11. Why I made my account: Originally to read fanfiction
12 Current lock screen:

 Why I made my account: Originally to read fanfiction12 Current lock screen:

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13 Birthday: September 15th (not listing the year)


People have tagged me so many times and I've just forgot to do them BUT NOT THIS TIME!!!!!

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