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Here's a funny story that just happened a couple minutes ago.
I was at the store with my mom and sister, trying to get my dad a Father's Day gift since we all forgot. My mom was looking through some shirts when a random kid just jumped out of the clothes rack next to us. My mom screamed and whispered "I think I peed my pants"
That's not even the funniest part of my story. It's not called "Tornadoes" for nothing.
My sister (which is the same age as me) is mega afraid of tornadoes. We were in the car heading home after buying dad some shirts, when we looked and saw the sky was sort of green. Sky's get really weird colors when there's a tornado, and I'm pretty sure nicole (my sisters name) was thinking the same thing. My mom said "The sun's just setting honey" When I said " Pretty sure it's a tornado" to freak Nicole out.
My mom retorted with "It's just a storm warning" As you know, I have to keep my sister freaked out because sisterness, so I said "Are you sure it's just a storm warning". Then, my mom got a text from my dad right after I said that, saying "It's gonna be huge" Then my sister started crying. Of course me and my bad sisterness thought she was laughing, so I kept saying stuff about tornadoes.
My dad called and put on the warning from the TV saying 'be careful' and stuff like that. So then the car was filled with Nicole bawling her eyes out, my dad saying how bad it is, my mom trying to comfort Nicole, and me being a douche like usual.
...we have fun here.

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