Taggady Tag Tag I GOT TAGGED

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Hello you lovely fanfic readers, I'm here and have been tagged!
Thank you Maybya1234

Now for thy rules
1. You must post the tag within a week or face the consequences.
2. You must post the tag in a book or face the consequences.
3. You must list 15 interesting things about yourself or face the consequences.
4. You must try to do this or DIE!

15 semi-interesting facts about me:
1. Flareeuor is my twin (and only) sister
2. I have a crush on a girl
3. I'm bi
4. I don't know if I want to be an author or actor
5. E.L.A (reading class-thing) is my favorite subject
6. I have two friends from Poland and one from Serbia
7. My favorite color's BLUE
8. I have went to a camp, called Camp Timber-lee, for four years
9. I do study hall and take drama for my 4th period
10. I'm a sucker for corick (Nick the more dominant one)
11. I ship mithross as well as mithmau
12. I'm getting a B- in math while everything else is an A or A+
13. I passed my bus ones this afternoon and would of again is my friend, Nick, hadn't banged on the window.
14. The few dreams I've had are creepy (I had a dream about bloody dolls at camp ones)
15. I smile every time I lie

People I tag:

And that's all.
See you later!

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