Teachers, am I right?

18 1 0

This.... happened today.
So I was on the bus with my friend Payton.
She was talking to my other friend about something about wedding rings, but I just kept daydreaming while looking out the window.
After awhile she turned towards me and asked "do you know Sophia".
I said "yes" and she started telling a story.
"Well, her friend went to see Mr.Teipel (my history teacher) to say hi. No one was in the classroom so she took a quick peek at his computer. A tab was open saying he was buying something of off the computer. Do you know what she saw?"
"What Payton" I said, rolling my eyes. It was probably just some wedding ring. We all now he's going to purpose to his girlfriend soon.
"Extra large condoms"
I stared at her for a second then said the first thing that came to mind.
"How do they measure it?"
Lets just say, she was laughing the whole bus ride. And I meant it as a general question.

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