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Hello! So I got tagged by Sara_bara9803 !!! Thanks Sara :3

1. Android
3. 9/15 (not revealing the year. YOU'LL NEVER KNOW MY AGE)
4. Maddie, Olga, Nevena, Stacy, Qiara.......Sabrina?
5. Nancy Mulligan by Ed Sheeran
6. Being alone for more than a day, and my friends leaving me (I don't think I've told anyone those. My older friends left me, at least that's how I look at it, so that sort of 'scared me' I guess. I personally think I have mono phobia, but not like if I'm alone for a couple hours. That's just me though. I could make a whole vent chapter about the friends thing. I'm petrified of it.)
7. Dirty blonde (though it just looks brown)
8. I like social studies/history (mostly just because I have the most friends in that class)
9. Is horse back riding a sport?
10. Not doing 20
That's all I'm doing. Thanks again Sara, and goodbye my lovely fanfic readers!!!!

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