Title (cuz i'm lazy)

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At school Friday I went to social studies, as usual.
My teacher wasn't in the room yet.
We had indoor recess, which really is just sitting at your lunch table instead of going outside.
So I was pretty hyper.
Nevena (she's from Serbia), one of my friends, was yelling at me from across the table for stealing everyone's lunch boxes at lunch,
She walked away to talk to one of her other friends, Elise (I don't like that girl. I'm sort of over protective of my friends)
I ran over to the other side of the table and took her pencil case.
Then my other friend, Qiara, came over to see what I was doing.
I threw it at her and told her to hide it, so she did.
Nevena thought I had it and started chasing me around the table. I kept running around at the opposite side of the table so she wouldn't catch me.
When she's mad, she's mad.
She was on the side where my stuff was, so she took it, and I was on her side of the table, so I took the rest of the stuff she had.
Qiara threw the pencil case at Nevenas head, to which I screamed "traitor" at the top of my lungs.
Meanwhile, everyone else was staring at us like we were insane.
Nevena put my stuff down but I wouldn't put hers down.
I was still, very, hyper.
Olga, my other friend from Poland. People from Europe seem to be attracted to my friends and I.
Sorry, back on topic.
So Olga got up from her chair, walked toward me, and violently pulled my hair.
And she pulled it hard.
Nevena and Olga were standing around me, seeing when I would give in.
I didn't give in until she randomly tugged really hard.
I shoved Nevanas stuff back into her, and sat in my seat pouting for the rest of the class.
Olga kept giggling next to me.

Evil, European friends.

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