Group Project

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So I have to do a group project for drama. That'll be easy! I'll just get my friends and we'll get it done with days to spare!
But no, he just had to chose our groups.So I was a little mad but not to much.So he numbered us of and told us to get with are groups.
I was supposed to have two others in my group.There was only one.
So while Maxes friend (my partner) and my friend fought over who would join our group, since they had to many people, my teacher decided to make us both miserable and picked Colby. So Max and I started writing the script after figuring out what to act out, and Colby was just being an idiot and saying terrible jokes. He also went over to other groups and annoyed them.
But then I guess he got bored and checked to see what we were doing. Since I'm  the only girl in the group, I'd be the queen. Max would be the duke and Colby would be the jester ( we put in a part were Max got to slap Colby! What can I say, we were mad XP.)
So Colby was making fun of us, just little things like Maxes hair was to fluffy, and my face was hairy, which confused both Max and I. So we just ignored him and kept writing until he said something that got both of our attention.
"Hey I just realized something" He was talking to me. "What" I said. I was pretty annoyed. I mean could you blame me? Then he said "Well, I looked at pictures of queens on my iPad (we have school iPads by the way) and realized, your to ugly to be the queen" And he just laughed.

And it hurt.

A lot.......

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