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•Time skip to the result of boot camp •
Diana's pov

I am in the boot camp. I am nervous no doubt. Today I didn't have my bua or hazza with me . Nor anyone else. But it didn't matter.

If you ask about mom and dad , let me tell you. Mom and dad had some work , so I let them.

It isn't that I'm going to win or something. I just dont want them to waste the money to come here and then see me losing and go home miserable.

So I forced them to be there in india.

I had my auditions and all the performances where I performed , 'so sick 'by ne yo ( suggested by nialler) and more.

Now it was time for results.

I was scared sh*tless. Yes.

Us all contestants were standing in front of the three judges who would decide our fate.

On my right and left there were two girls. Whose name I don't bother to ask. If they go, there names will be announced and if they don't......... then doesn't matter. I can ask then after the choosing.

I was scared. They were announcing the names but I wasn't  listening to it. I just opened my ears for just my name.

The last contestant's name was announced .

And It wasn't me.

Jesy pov

They were announcing the names. I knew I had done my best.

But I think my best wasn't up to mark. Like , almost 5 people were gone and my name wasn't picked out.

On my right there was a girl with black hair , whose name I don't know. On my left was violet.

I know right? Coincidence much.

But it all didn't really matter if we don't go through.

Soon all the names were announced , but mine wasn't there.

I mentally broke down then and there.


Samantha's pov

I knew I wasn't going to get selected. But when people were going through , I admit I also broke down a little inside.

It isn't everyday your dreams get broken.

Yes, it was my dream. Though I never told anyone.

Not a very extrovert person we are now Sam , are we?? My conscious was saying.

My name was called out, but then louis changed it to someone else named Brittany.

It was heartbreaking.

Soon, all names were gone and we all were left broken.

Good bye dreams.

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Violet's pov

My name wasn't called out. Neither was jesy's.

I started tearing up a bit there and then. I couldn't fulfil my dream.

Couldn't make my dad proud of me.

My mum and everyone who believed in me. I lost their faith.

I met mum outside and tightly hugged her. I was silently crying , telling mum I failed her.

It was heartbreaking to see.

Soon a person from inside came out.

I rubbed my eyes of any tears and looked expectantly at him.

From the corner of my eye I could see a black haired girl, who was standing alone. She too was trying to force her tears in, was achieving it too, but anyone could see her through her.

Maybe because everyone was facing the same thing?

The official person cleared his throat and said , " diya bhatia , jesy conners , violet hills and Samantha malik? "

All the named stepped forward , ne included. All confused, but still a bit hopeful.

He continued, " you are required inside . Please got there fast. " we all nodded and rushed in fast.

All us girls were scared and anxious.

We four stepped in front of the judges , hand in hand , all hoping for the same thing.

Simon spoke , " when we're all , first saw you all , you intrigued us. Your voices are so different , but unique in the same way. You gave the talent , but also some flaws."

Louis spoke , " but just because of some flaws , we can't waste such talent , now can we? "

Nicole spoke up  , " so we all decided " upon simon's pointed glare she corrected herself , " so Simon decided to give you all another chance. "

Simon spoke , " we are giving you another chance , but as a group. Are you all ready ? " at that we all nodded , a little teary eyed.

Simon spoke , " then you all are in! As a group! Go on then! You're through ! "

At that we all yelled at the top of our lungs and had a huge group hug.

I don't know any of them , well , not counting jesy, but it was a chance worth taking.

We are all here for the same thing,  to fulfil our dream as a singer , and what more?

We will do it together.

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