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Robyn grabbed his arm and they ran over to Connie who stood in the middle of the ED gripping onto the nurses station.

"Connie..." Jacob spoke loudly, scooping her into his arms and laying her down on the bed, "Robyn, get Zoe... Quickly..."

He handed her a bowl just as she leaned forward and vomited into it.

"I'm too hot," she uttered and he helped her take off her jumper and her jeans before handing her a hospital gown,

"She was gripping her stomach, and she's been vomiting since this morning..." Jacob told her, "she's 18 weeks pregnant with twins,"

"Okay Connie, I've got you... The maternity Consultant is coming down,"

"I'm too hot," she uttered and Jacob placed a cold towel on her head,

"You're right you're boiling," Zoe nodded,

"Please look after my babies Zoe," Connie asked and she took her hand,

"I promise I will do my very best... And to look after you too... This man needs you,"

Jacob looked at Zoe worried as Connie threw up again,

"Let's get her some fluids up,"

She was vaguely aware of Jacob pacing up and down beside her,

"They should be here by now," he uttered and she took his hand,

"Sit down," she told him gently and he placed a hand on her stomach and the other on her head,

"Don't worry," she told him, "we will all be okay,"

He kissed her forehead, "I love you," he told her kindly,

"I love you too."

Connie lay fast asleep in a hospital bed as Jacob sat wide awake beside her. She had a bad case of gastroenteritis and gestational diabetes and he couldn't take his eyes off her.

"She's going to be just fine," Zoe told him, "you need some rest too so you can look after her,"

"I love her more than I've ever loved anyone... And that alone freaks me out," he told her, "and she's so brave and independent and takes everything within her stride... If it was up to me I wouldn't let her exercise or work or move from the sofa,"

Zoe smiled, "you two will make great parents... You've softened her up and you make her happy... You're good together."

Zoe squeezed Connie's hand, "tell her I'll pop by tomorrow."

He slipped in the bed beside her and she curled into him. She'd managed to persuade him to let her shower and she smelt of his shower gel he kept in his locker.

"I love you so very much," he told her gently, "you need to get better soon... I worry about you as it is."

She woke the following morning and found she felt starving hungry. She was pleased her stomach seemed to have settled and she turned, smiling as she saw Jacob curled up behind her. How he managed to sleep in such a small bed surprised her, but she knew him and she knew he wouldn't have left her last night.

"How you feeling sweetheart?" He asked tiredly and she smiled,

"Hungry, and like I could sleep for a week,"

"We could go and pick up some tea and pastry from that cafe if you like?"

She nodded, "I'd like that."

They sat on the comfortable sofas in the cafe and she dozed in and out of sleep as he read his medical journal and watched the world go by. Every now and then he'd kiss her hair or her forehead and the cafe owner smiled,

"She used to come in her after Michaels accident, she came in here one day and told me about you," she smiled, placing another herbal tea and a coffee on the table, "I hadn't seen her smile like that for ages, and I can see how much you love her,"

Jacob smiled and shook her hand, "I never thought someone like her would fall for someone like me,"

"She's never been short of offers, the amount of people I had asking me about her... You must be special, she's opened up to you,

"She loves it in here," Jacob smiled, "people watching, although she's exhausted today,"

"She saved my sons life you know... Yet she always tries to insist she pays for coffee,"

Jacob smiled, "she's pregnant... Hence the herbal tea,"

"Congratulations... Both of you... she told me you make her happy," she smiled, "and that you're a good man... I wish you every happiness together."

"Thank you," he smiled, watching as Connie opened her eyes,

"Jade... You don't have to keep giving me free drinks..."

"All drinks for you are free," Jade grinned, "and you look good pregnant..."

"Thank you," she smiled, sipping her tea, "what?"

He shrugged, as she snuggled back down into his warm chest, "I'm just wondering when I got so lucky."

"Jacob," she smiled as he met her at the door.

"Hi sweetcheeks," he smiled, "how was your day?"

"Busy," she smiled, "but a success so I can't complain,"

He helped her off with her coat and couldn't help but smile as she pulled up her jumper.

"Look," she smiled, her eyes meeting his as she took his hands and placed them on her stomach,

"They're kicking," he smiled, as she nodded,

"All day,"

"Does it hurt?" He asked, unable to wipe the smile off his face as he watched her,

"Not really," she admitted, "just a bit uncomfortable,"

"This one kicks more than the other," she told him, "but they've both been moving today,"

"Do you want to go for a walk?" She asked, and he nodded, the pair smiling as Dotty appeared wagging her tail and leaning against Connie's legs. Connie crouched down and smiled as the dog rubbed her head gently on Connie's stomach,

"She's such a lovely dog," Connie admitted, "I hope she's okay when the babies arrive... I couldn't bear it if we had to get rid of her,"

"I think she'll be fine," Jacob smiled, watching as she changed her heels for trainers and pulled on a scarf.

They sat on the park bench, Connie cuddled into his chest as Dotty ran backwards and forwards chasing a stick.

"I could really do with a proper coffee," she told him and he raised an eyebrow,


"Yes," she smiled, "better than nothing."

He stood up and held out his hand, "come on then, what the lady wants, the lady gets,"

"Now that's why I love you

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